The largest red carp village in Thanh Hoa before December 23


Thanh Hoa - Before the Kitchen Gods' Day (December 23), in the capital of the largest red carp in Thanh Hoa, people are busy pulling nets to catch fish to supply the market.

Theo ghi nhan cua Lao Dong, truoc ngay ong Cong ong Tao, tai thu phu ca chep do lon nhat xu Thanh (o thi tran Tan Phong, huyen Quang Xuong), lai nhon nhip canh nguoi dan keo luoi, bat ca chep phuc vu ba con trong va ngoai tinh. Anh: Quach Du
According to Lao Dong, before the Kitchen Gods' Day, in the largest red carp capital of Thanh Hoa (in Tan Phong town, Quang Xuong district), there was a bustling scene of people pulling nets and catching carp to serve people in and outside the province. Photo: Quach Du
Theo nhieu nguoi dan noi day, hang nam cu vao khoang ngay 21 va 22 thang Chap, nguoi dan tai cac lang Bai Chuc, Tan Co, Tan Hau (thuoc thi tran Tan Phong) lai khan truong keo luoi, vot ca chep do. Anh: Quach Du
According to many local people, every year around the 21st and 22nd of December, people in Bai Chuc, Tan Co, and Tan Hau streets (in Tan Phong town) urgently pull nets and catch red carp. Photo: Quach Du
Ong Nguyen Van Loan (63 tuoi), pho Bai Truc, thi tran Tan Phong cho biet, gia dinh ong nhieu doi lam nghe nuoi ca giong. Vao nhung thang cuoi nam, gia dinh lai nuoi them nhieu ao ca chep do de ban truoc ngay Tet ong Cong ong Tao. Anh: Quach Du
Mr. Nguyen Van Loan (63 years old, Bai Truc street, Tan Phong town) said that his family has been raising fish for generations. In the last months of the year, his family raises more red carp ponds to sell before the Kitchen Gods' Day. Photo: Quach Du
“Nam nay gia dinh toi co 1ha dien tich nuoi ca chep do, voi san luong khoang hon 2 tan. Gia ca chep nam nay co phan tang so voi nam truoc, gia ban khoang 150 nghin dong/kg, uoc tinh tong thu ve hon 300 trieu dong” - ong Loan chia se. Anh: Quach Du
“This year my family has 1 hectare of red carp farming area, with an output of about 2 tons. The price of carp this year has increased somewhat compared to last year (about 150,000 VND/kg), with an estimated total revenue of more than 300 million VND,” Mr. Loan shared. Photo: Quach Du
Gia dinh ong Nguyen Van Son hoi ha keo luoi, bat ca chep do de cung ung ra thi truong. Anh: Quach Du
Mr. Nguyen Van Son's family hurriedly pulled nets to catch red carp to supply the market. Photo: Quach Du
Ong Nguyen Van Ngoc (62 tuoi, que o huyen Hau Loc, tinh Thanh Hoa) cho biet, ca chep o thi tran Tan Phong, huyen Quang Xuong (Thanh Hoa) duoc nhieu nguoi ua chuong vi co mau do au va bong dep. Do do, nam nao ong cung tim ve day de mua, mang ve huyen Hau Loc cung ung cho ba con. Anh: Quach Du
Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoc (62 years old, from Hau Loc district, Thanh Hoa province) said that carp in Tan Phong town, Quang Xuong district are popular with many people because of their bright red and shiny color. Therefore, every year he comes here to buy and bring back to Hau Loc district to supply to people. Photo: Quach Du
Canh nguoi dan o thu phu ca chep do khan truong thu hoach tai cac ao nuoi. Anh: Quach Du
Scene of people in the red carp capital urgently harvesting at the ponds. Photo: Quach Du
Ca chep sau khi thu hoach se duoc cho vao nhung bao tai, bom khi o xi de van chuyen di khap cac dia phuong. Anh: Quach Du
After being harvested, the carp will be put into sacks, pumped with oxygen, and transported to all localities. Photo: Quach Du
Canh cac tieu thuong hoi ha thu mua ca chep do. Anh: Quach Du
Scene of traders rushing to buy red carp. Photo: Quach Du
Tieu thuong khan truong van chuyen ca chep do de phuc vu nguoi dan truoc ngay ong Cong ong Tao. Anh: Quach Du
Urgently transporting red carp to serve people before Ong Cong Ong Tao Day. Photo: Quach Du


Near the Kitchen Gods' Day, the price of goldfish increases, while wholesale and retail prices decrease


As the Kitchen Gods' Festival approaches, Yen So fish market is bustling with the appearance of goldfish. However, this year fish prices have increased sharply, and wholesale and retail prices have decreased significantly.

Good time to release carp on Kitchen God's Day


After completing the ceremony to worship the Kitchen Gods, the homeowner will release the carp at a suitable and auspicious time.

Fishermen at the Thanh estuary are busy grilling fish for Tet


Every year, near Tet, people in the coastal area of ​​Thanh Hoa are busy with fishing, processing seafood and grilling fish to serve Tet.

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Looking forward to the moment of celebrating Tet with family


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Near the Kitchen Gods' Day, the price of goldfish increases, while wholesale and retail prices decrease

Cao Thơm |

As the Kitchen Gods' Festival approaches, Yen So fish market is bustling with the appearance of goldfish. However, this year fish prices have increased sharply, and wholesale and retail prices have decreased significantly.

Good time to release carp on Kitchen God's Day


After completing the ceremony to worship the Kitchen Gods, the homeowner will release the carp at a suitable and auspicious time.

Fishermen at the Thanh estuary are busy grilling fish for Tet


Every year, near Tet, people in the coastal area of ​​Thanh Hoa are busy with fishing, processing seafood and grilling fish to serve Tet.