Điểm sàn xét tuyển

The minimum score for Information Technology major in many schools is only 15

Vân Trang |

Candidates only need to score 15 points on the high school graduation exam to have a chance to be admitted to the Information Technology major of many universities in 2024.

More schools announce the minimum score for the Information Technology major

Linh Đan |

Vinh University of Industry has announced the admission threshold for 2024 based on the results of the high school graduation exam and high school academic results.

A series of hot industries has a base score of only 15

Trang Hà |

Many majors at Ho Chi Minh City University of Management and Technology take a base score of 15 points.

Benchmarks for early admission to the University of Social Sciences and Humanities

Linh Đan |

Early admission standards for the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2024 for training majors have been announced to candidates.

More universities announce cut-off scores for computer science majors

Anh Kiệt |

Vietnam Japan University, Ho Chi Minh City National University announced the 2024 admission threshold based on the results of the high school graduation exam.

Floor score of Vinh University of Technical Education 2024

Trần Hạnh |

Vinh University of Technical Education has announced the entrance quality assurance threshold ( floor score ) according to the method of reviewing the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.

University of Health Sciences announced the 2024 admission threshold

Nguyên Chân |

The University of Health Sciences has announced the floor scores for majors admitted in 2024 using the results of the high school graduation exam.

Admission floor scores for universities in 2024

Vân Trang |

Admissions scores for universities are updated quickly and most accurately by Lao Dong.

Saigon University announces the floor score for high school graduation exam scores

Nguyên Chân |

Saigon University announces the cutoff score according to the admission method based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam .

Admission threshold for University of Foreign Languages, Hue University

Vân Trang |

The minimum admission score is equal to the high school graduation exam score of the University of Foreign Languages, Hue University, from only 15 points.

Hai Phong University's hot majors get a minimum score of only 15

Thanh Hằng |

Hai Phong University has announced the cutoff score for regular university admission in 2024 based on the results of the high school graduation exam.

The Court Academy announced the 2024 floor score

Trang Hà |

The Court Academy Admissions Council has just announced the entrance quality assurance threshold ( floor score ) in 2024 based on the results of the high school graduation exam.

Vinh University's floor score in 2024

Trang Hà |

Vinh University has just announced the 2024 floor score based on three methods.

Can you pass the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology with 25 graduation exam points?


Below are the benchmark scores according to the high school graduation exam scores of the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology over the years.

More Medical and Pharmacy schools announced the 2024 admission threshold

Linh Đan |

Recently, many medical schools have announced the floor score for the method of considering scores for the 2024 high school graduation exam.