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Smart Finance: Salary Increase Still Can't Buy a House?

Nhóm PV |

When getting a raise, many people often fall into the spending trap. In the long run, this will lead to not being able to achieve important long-term goals such as buying a house, car, etc.

Trade Union News: Pensions to be increased from 1.7.2025

Nhóm PV |

Trade Union News has the following content: Who will get a pension increase from July 1, 2025? More orders, workers' salaries increase sharply...

Is there a specific pension increase from 2025?


Readers asked: Are there specific instructions on the increase in pensions for employees in the 2024 Social Insurance Law?

Income increase for Hanoi civil servants and public employees after salary increase

Hoàng Lê |

From January 1, 2025, cadres, civil servants and public employees working in Hanoi will receive additional income from using the remaining salary reform fund.

Details of subjects receiving a third pension increase

Linh Hà |

Employees who retired before 1995 and have low pensions will receive a third pension increase.

Will salaries of civil servants continue to increase?

Hoàng Lê |

Will civil servants' salaries be increased after 2026 or will they still increase during this period?

Increase wages and ensure working hours for workers

Bảo Hân |

Many workers want to work more to improve their income, but experts say that, along with increasing wages , it is necessary to ensure working hours for workers, not too much overtime because it will affect their health. labor productivity and employee morale.

Smart finance: How to get richer with a salary increase?

Nhóm PV |

When receiving a raise , workers risk falling into a spending trap, causing the surplus to not only not increase but also decrease.

HCMC Does Not Allow Unreasonable Price Increases for Goods.

Ngọc Lê - Thanh Chân |

Delivering stabilized goods to doorsteps, serving the disadvantaged, low-income laborers... is the way HCMC controls the unreasonable price increases.

Increase faculty salaries, but only for those who are truly master 's and doctoral degree holders

Lê Thanh Phong |

Professor Dr. Lê Thành Bắc - Vice Rector of the University of Da Nang - proposes increasing the salary for university lecturer.