Thái Nguyên

Incident of plane spraying chemical on crops, due to dispute?

Lam Thanh |

Thái Nguyên - More than 4,000 square meters of vegetables of the local residents were lost overnight due to drone spraying toxic chemicals.

Trade Union Art Performance Festival 2024

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Trade Union Art Performance took place at the Dân Gian Music and Dance Theater (in Thái Nguyên city) and attracted a large number of local residents to participate.

The artifacts within the Historical Site of Journalism Training

Lam Thanh |

Thai Nguyen Province - The Compound of the Historical Relic Journalism Training School Huynh Thuc Kham is larger than 850m2, inside which there are many valuable historical artifacts and documents.

The source text delimited by XML tags is translated as follows: Completion of Historical Monument of Journalism Training School in mid-August

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Thai Nguyen - After more than 7 months of construction, renovation, the Historical Site of Huynh Thuc Khang Journalism Training School in Tan Thai Commune (Dai Tu) has officially been inaugurated.

Inauguration of the restoration and renovation project of Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Journalism Training School

Phùng Minh |

This morning (9.8), in Thái Nguyên, the Ceremony of Completion of Restoration and Renovation of the National Historical Site, Location Journalism Training School Huỳnh Thúc Kháng will take place. This is an important political event, marking the beginning of a series of activities to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Press of Vietnam (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2025).

Up-close look at the relic of the Journalism Training School before its official inauguration

Lam Thanh |

Thai Nguyen - National Historic Site Truong Day Lam Bao Huynh Thuc Khang Huynh Thuc Khang after 7 months of restoration and construction has now been completed.

"The Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Journalism School - a tourist destination in the 'City of a Thousand Winds'"


On August 9, the Restoration and Development Project of the National Historical Site at the location of Trường dạy làm báo Huỳnh Thúc Kháng will be inaugurated and handed over at Tân Thái Commune, Đại Từ District, Thái Nguyên Province. The ceremony is jointly organized by the Vietnam Journalists' Association and the Provincial Party Committee, People's Committee of Thái Nguyên Province.

The Traumatic Road in the Young City of Phổ Yên

Lam Thanh |

Thai Nguyen - Route connecting from DT.261 to DT.274 section passing through Bac Son Ward (Phu Yen City) has deteriorated severely, with potholes resembling ox and buffalo holes.

Using aircraft to spray chemicals to devastate thousands of square meters of farmland

Lam Thanh |

Thai Nguyen - More than 4000m2 of crops of local residents at Ham Mau Commune, Minh Duc Commune, Phu Yen City, have withered to death after being sprayed with chemicals overnight.

Tarpaulin hills to build a hundred billion road connecting Lang Son - Thai Nguyen

Nguyễn Hoàn |

After 2 years of construction, the hundred billion Tan Tri - Nghinh Tuong road connecting difficult communes of Lang Son and Thai Nguyen provinces has been completed and put into use.

Nearly a hundred billion to build a medical center in the poorest district of Thai Nguyen


Vo Nhai Medical Center , the poorest district in Thai Nguyen, invested more than 89 billion VND in construction and is about to come into operation.

Worried about landslides on the banks of Cau River


Dozens of households in Phu Binh district (Thai Nguyen) living on the banks of Cau River are facing fears of landslides as land and assets are being swept into the river bed every day, especially during the peak of the rainy season. flood .

Thai Nguyen fields were devastated after a rare flood

Nguyễn Hoàn |

After a prolonged rain and flood , hundreds of thousands of square meters of farmland along the Cau River (Thai Nguyen City ) were seriously flooded, causing damage to people's crops.

Vehicles are prohibited from passing through Highway 3C

Việt Bắc |

Thai Nguyen - Authorities blocked and prohibited vehicles from passing through the So Pass area on National Highway 3C due to landslides.