Adjust the electricity price mechanism according to the market, with state regulation

Phạm Đông |

Giving comments on the Electricity Law (amended) project, National Assembly deputies emphasized the focus on adjusting the electricity price mechanism according to the market mechanism, with state regulation; Ensuring the promotion of autonomy in production and business of electricity units, creating a healthy competitive environment, aiming to improve the socio-economic efficiency of electricity activities.

Clarifying the promulgation of electricity generation price framework

From August 27 to 29, the National Assembly Standing Committee organized the 6th full-time conference of National Assembly Delegates, term XV to discuss and comment on 12 draft laws submitted to the National Assembly at the 8th Session, including the Electricity Law project (amended).

The amendment of this law is expected to meet the goal of implementing the Party's policies in the energy sector and to build a synchronized, competitive and transparent energy market.

Giving comments, National Assembly delegates said that it is necessary to innovate the contents prescribed in the Electricity Law to improve the feasibility and effectiveness in enforcing electricity laws, meeting the requirements of the development of the electricity industry in general. general and competitive electricity market in particular, moving towards building a complete competitive electricity retail market. In particular, the focus is on adjusting the electricity price mechanism according to the market mechanism, with state regulation...

Talking about the operating principles of the competitive electricity market, delegate Nguyen Manh Hung - Standing Member of the National Assembly's Economic Committee - said that Article 51 of the draft law stipulates a number of mechanisms to allow the purchase of electricity. Sell ​​electricity directly from producers and users.

Delegates proposed adding a mechanism that allows subjects, organizations and individuals to have the right to directly buy and sell electricity within a certain range, so as not to affect the general safety of the national electricity network; At the same time, there is a more specific mechanism to create equality, openness, transparency, and non-discrimination among participants in the competitive electricity market.

Therefore, it is necessary to amend and supplement to clarify the promulgation of the electricity generation price frame recently, which is the average electricity generation price frame of the electricity generating unit and clarify the case where the parties sign an electricity purchase contract. through bidding.

Issue electricity price tables to ensure uniformity

Standing Member of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Vu Tuan Anh agrees with the viewpoint of implementing a mechanism to cross-subsidize electricity prices between customer groups and cross-subsidize electricity prices between regions, but there is a need to implementation roadmap.

According to the delegate, it is necessary to implement the principles of the Price Law, in which, if electricity is determined to be a special good or service, the Prime Minister should be assigned to regulate electricity prices, in which, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance These are the advisory units that help the Prime Minister promulgate electricity price lists to ensure uniformity.

Talking about the mechanism for managing and regulating electricity prices, Mr. Nguyen Tien Thoa - Chairman of the Vietnam Valuation Association - said that the electricity price policy has been clearly stated in Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW. Therefore, in order to legislate the guiding opinions on prices of Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW, it is proposed to remove the specific regulations as in the draft law and incorporate the content of "Principles for electricity pricing" including : Pricing principles, valuation bases, valuation methods, price adjustments and authority to price and adjust prices.

At the same time, for social policies in prices that the draft law mentions such as: The Government directs research to develop plans to support electricity bill reduction; electricity prices in border areas and islands; The state supports electricity bills for poor households and social policy households. The expert suggested that these contents should not be included in the price policy but must be included in a separate section on electricity consumption support policies, ensuring implemented according to the guiding viewpoint of Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW: There must be a separation between electricity prices and social policies... and the State regulates appropriately through market tools (taxes, fees of funds ...) and appropriate social security policies.

Phạm Đông

Trình Chính phủ giảm giá điện bậc thang xuống 5 bậc


Bộ trưởng Bộ Công Thương Nguyễn Hồng Diên cho biết trong dự thảo trình Chính phủ, cơ cấu biểu giá điện đã được đề xuất giảm từ 6 bậc xuống còn 5 bậc.

Giá điện phải minh bạch, tháo gỡ tất cả các rào cản

Phạm Đông |

Ngày 20.8, tại Hà Nội đã diễn ra tọa đàm “Đột phá nào để thu hút đầu tư vào ngành điện”. Các đại biểu và chuyên gia nhấn mạnh phải tính đúng, tính đủ theo nguyên tắc thị trường, nhưng đặc biệt phải minh bạch.

Chuyên gia nêu 4 bất cập lớn của giá điện, gây lỗ 47.500 tỉ đồng


Chuyên gia Nguyễn Tiến Thỏa cho rằng, giá điện đang có 4 bất cập rất lớn, một trong những nguyên nhân này đã gây lỗ của ngành điện khoảng 47.500 tỉ đồng.

Đề nghị quy định nguyên tắc, lộ trình về cải cách giá điện


Thường trực Ủy ban Khoa học, Công nghệ và Môi trường đề nghị nghiên cứu, bổ sung các quy định cụ thể về việc đảm bảo cơ cấu giá điện ổn định.

Sớm trình cơ chế tính giá điện cho trạm sạc xe điện


Bộ Công Thương được yêu cầu sớm trình Chính phủ cơ chế tính giá điện cho các trạm/trụ sạc điện trên nguyên tắc hỗ trợ trực tiếp cho người sử dụng xe điện.

Minh bạch giá thành sản xuất trước áp lực điều chỉnh giá điện

Anh Tuấn |

Giá điện là vấn đề được người dân đặc biệt quan tâm trong thời gian qua vì ảnh hưởng, tác động trực tiếp đến từng người dân, doanh nghiệp, liên quan ổn định thị trường, do đó, cần được quy định cụ thể trong luật nhằm tạo sự công khai, minh bạch, đặc biệt nhằm tránh việc lạm dụng để mở rộng phạm vi các mặt hàng thuộc diện bình ổn giá, khắc phục tình trạng “luật khung, luật ống”.

Đề xuất cơ chế tính giá điện để điều chỉnh hành vi sử dụng


Tổng Giám đốc Tập đoàn EVN kiến nghị áp dụng cơ chế tính giá điện theo thời điểm huy động hoặc bậc thang để điều chỉnh hành vi sử dụng điện của hộ tiêu dùng.

Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối ở Quảng Bình đã bật gốc


Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối tại đường Võ Thị Sáu (TP Đồng Hới, tỉnh Quảng Bình) đã bật gốc.

Submit to the Government to reduce electricity prices by 5 steps


Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien said that in the draft submitted to the Government, the electricity price structure was proposed to be reduced from 6 levels to 5 levels.

Electricity prices must be transparent and remove all barriers

Phạm Đông |

On August 20, in Hanoi, a discussion "What breakthroughs to attract investment in the electricity industry " took place. Delegates and experts emphasized the need to calculate correctly and fully according to market principles, but especially to be transparent .

Experts mentioned 4 major shortcomings of electricity prices, causing a loss of 47,500 billion VND


Expert Nguyen Tien Thoa said that electricity prices have four major shortcomings, one of these causes has caused a loss of about 47,500 billion VND in the electricity industry.

Propose regulations on principles and roadmap for electricity price reform


The Standing Committee of Science, Technology and Environment proposed to study and supplement specific regulations on ensuring a stable electricity price structure .

Early on, submit the mechanism for calculating electricity prices for electric vehicle charging stations


The Ministry of Industry and Trade is requested to submit to the Government the mechanism for calculating electricity price for electric vehicle charging stations on the principle of directly supporting electric vehicle users.

Transparency of production costs under pressure to adjust electricity prices

Anh Tuấn |

Electricity prices are an issue that people have been particularly concerned about in recent times because of their direct impact on individual people and businesses, and is related to market stability, so it needs to be specifically regulated in the law. to create openness and transparency, especially to avoid abuse to expand the range of products subject to price stabilization, overcoming the situation of "frame law, pipe law".

Propose a mechanism to calculate electricity prices to adjust usage behavior


The General Director of EVN Group proposed applying a mechanism to calculate electricity prices based on mobilization time or ladder to adjust electricity usage behavior of consumers.