The Prime Minister requested that highway construction not affect people


Dak Lak - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requires contractors constructing highway projects to check techniques and protect the environment.

On the evening of August 17, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his working group inspected the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway project passing through Dak Lak province.

During the on-line inspection, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stopped at many locations to grasp the situation, encourage, visit and give gifts to engineers and construction workers on the construction site.

At the bidding package of Construction Corporation No. 1, the Prime Minister was impressed by the team of officers and engineers "considering little rain as no rain, heavy rain as little rain, heavy rain then stretching tarpaulins to work".

The Prime Minister also visited people in the project area and was happy when people were excited and expected the project to be completed soon, contributing to the circulation of goods and improving the value of agricultural products.

Reporting to the Prime Minister, Mr. Lam Van Hoang - Director of the Vietnam Highway Department said that according to the planning, the national expressway network includes 41 routes with a length of 9,014km.

The Central and Central Highlands regions have 13 routes with a length of 3,841km. In particular, the Central Highlands region has 9 expressways with a length of about 1,899km.

According to the plan, by the end of 2025, the Central Highlands region will have 87km of expressways, by the end of 2026 there will be 136km of expressways and by 2030, we strive to have 1,148km of expressways. The period after 2030 will continue to invest about 751km.

Mr. Lam Van Hoang further informed that the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway construction investment project to date in component project 1 (Khanh Hoa province) has reached about 20% of the volume, component project 3 ( Dak Lak province) reached 17%.

Particularly for component 2 project, due to mountainous terrain, many tunnels and bridges must be constructed, so the current construction volume is 9-10%. All bidding packages are following the proposed schedule.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot Expressway dividing into 3 component projects is the correct policy. Currently, investors need to focus on site clearance, this issue requires the entire political system to participate to deploy the entire route.

The Prime Minister asked contractors to speed up, work "3 shifts, 4 crews", "work during the day is not enough, take advantage of working at night", "eat quickly, sleep quickly", "overcome the sun, beat the rain". .. to meet project progress.

In addition, contractors can call additional local contractors for support. It is even possible to mobilize military and police forces to support the work that can be done. When constructing projects, contractors need to check techniques and protect the environment, not to affect people.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested Dak Lak and Khanh Hoa provinces to try to shorten the project implementation time, striving to basically complete it by 2025.

For Project Management Board 6 (Ministry of Transport and Communications), which is the investor of project component 2, the construction is difficult, tunnel drilling and many bridges must be carried out, so it is recommended that the board's staff must focus on eating. located at the construction site to urge the construction unit to complete the project on schedule.


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