Heartbreaking scene of Quang Ninh tourist attractions devastated after storm

Thanh Hải |

As one of the northern provinces devastated by storm No. 3 Yagi, Quang Ninh suffered numerous damages, seriously affecting the tourism industry.

Typhoon No. 3 Yagi is the strongest storm to hit the East Sea in the past 30 years. After the storm, tourism activities in many northern provinces were almost paralyzed. Quang Ninh province in particular suffered serious damage due to natural disasters.

Sharing with Lao Dong, Ms. Tran Thanh Lan, 55 years old, a tour guide in Bai Chay ward, Ha Long city, said that this was the biggest storm she had ever seen hit Quang Ninh city. The big storm caused severe damage and needed a long time to recover.

Cung ca heo tai TP Ha Long thiet hai nghiem trong sau bao. Anh: Tra Mi
Dolphin sanctuary in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province suffered serious damage after the storm. Photo: Tra Mi

“According to my observation, 90% of the glass doors of hotels and restaurants along the coast in Bai Chay were shattered. Large seafood restaurants around here such as Huong Da, Thuy Linh, Thuy Chung or King of Seafood were all damaged, with estimated damage of tens of billions of dong,” Ms. Lan shared.

In addition, the situation of tourist boats is not much better. “Ships with a capacity of 48 passengers cost about 2-6 billion VND, and those with a capacity of 99 passengers cost about 18-20 billion VND/ship, but now that they are so badly damaged, we don’t know when they will be repaired. After the storm, there were many boats lined up for repair, sometimes having to wait 1-2 months for their turn,” said Ms. Lan.

According to local people, most ship owners are facing many difficulties and hardships because not everyone has a strong enough economy to recover after the storm. Ships worth tens or hundreds of billions of dong all have part of their capital borrowed from banks.

Image of boats washed ashore by the storm at Bai Chay. Photo: Tran Thanh Lan

Mr. Bui Tan Dieu - Sales Director of Bao Minh Radiant Ha Long Hotel (Quang Ninh) said that the hotel was severely affected by the storm, with estimated damage of nearly 10 billion VND. However, after 3 days of active repair, the facilities and surrounding landscape have been restored, ensuring minimum services.

Similarly, many restaurants and hotels in Quang Ninh have also recovered very quickly and announced that they will welcome guests again. Although they cannot reach 100% of the quality as before the storm, many restaurants still meet over 80% of the needs of tourists.

However, Ms. Bui Thanh Lan said, many tourists are still quite hesitant to travel to Quang Ninh at this time.

"Because the landscape was destroyed, many groups of tourists came but could not enjoy the beautiful scenery, and had to pay much higher food and entertainment costs than normal times," said this local tour guide.

Anh: Tra Mi
Famous tourist attractions in Ha Long have all been damaged, making tourists hesitant to visit at this time. Photo: Tra Mi

At famous tourist spots, trees falling and being submerged in water completely change the landscape, making it difficult to immediately resume tourism.

“Da Trang Village, Thong Nhat Commune, Ha Long City is one of the places that has been isolated and flooded for a long time. I used to take guests there for a picnic in the forest, there are many beautiful tourist spots there but now they are all submerged in water,” said Ms. Lan.

Quang Ninh Province Department of Tourism reported that 11/12 districts, towns, and cities in the province have recognized tourist destinations that are ready to welcome visitors back after storm No. 3, as of September 13.

Currently, Quang Ninh is actively overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3 Yagi. Ha Long International Passenger Port and Tuan Chau have resumed operations immediately after the storm. Entertainment venues such as Quang Ninh Museum, Sun World Ha Long Park... are being repaired and cleaned to be able to welcome guests in October.

However, it may take a long time for Quang Ninh to return to its bustling tourist scene as before the storm.

Thanh Hải

Bão số 3 Yagi càn quét Cô Tô, hướng thẳng về Hải Phòng - Quảng Ninh


Bão Yagi đang quần thảo trên vịnh Bái Tử Long, áp sát đất liền Hải Phòng - Quảng Ninh với tốc độ đạt 20km/h.

289.000 lượt khách đến Quảng Ninh trong 2 ngày nghỉ lễ

Đoàn Hưng |

Trong 2 ngày đầu kỳ nghỉ lễ 31.8 - 1.9, tổng khách du lịch đến các điểm tham quan, du lịch của tỉnh Quảng Ninh ước đạt 289.000 lượt (đạt 124% so với cùng kỳ năm 2023).

Quảng Ninh sẽ đón đoàn khách Ấn Độ đông nhất từ trước đến nay

Đoàn Hưng |

Ngày 29.8 đến ngày 3.9, Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh) dự kiến đón 6.000 du khách Ấn Độ đến tham quan. Đây là đoàn khách Ấn Độ lớn nhất từ trước đến nay.

Storm No. 3 Yagi sweeps Co To, heading straight towards Hai Phong - Quang Ninh


Storm Yagi is raging over Bai Tu Long Bay, approaching the mainland of Hai Phong - Quang Ninh with a speed of 20km/h.

289,000 visitors came to Quang Ninh during 2-day holiday

Đoàn Hưng |

During the first two days of the August 31 - September 1 holiday, the total number of tourists to tourist attractions in Quang Ninh province is estimated at 289,000 (124% over the same period in 2023).

Quảng Ninh will welcome the largest-ever Indian delegation to date

Đoàn Hưng |

From August 29 to September 3, Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh) is expected to welcome approximately 6,000 Indian tourists for a visit. This is the largest group of Indian tourists to date.