The most common type of garbage on Pham Hung Street - Hanoi

Thùy Linh |

Hanoi - The total amount of garbage collected on Pham Hung Street (Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi) is 910kg, mainly plastic cups, masks...

On the morning of September 29, nearly 200 volunteers attended the event "World Cleanup Day 2024" on Pham Hung Street - Hanoi.

Mr. Nghiem Xuan Son - representative of Let's Do It Vietnam - shared: "Let's Do It Vietnam calls on agencies, ministries, sectors, organizations and individuals to join hands and participate in ending the current waste situation.

Let's start sorting trash right at home, school, and workplace. Every small action of ours contributes to creating a friendly, civilized, and waste-free Hanoi."

During the event, volunteers were instructed and trained on how to sort waste and safety instructions when collecting waste. Volunteers were also provided with tools such as gloves, trash clips and trash bags.

Nguoi dan Ha Noi tich cuc tham gia Ngay hoi Don rac vi mot moi truong xanh sach dep. Anh: BTC cung cap
Hanoians actively participate in the Garbage Collection Day for a clean, green environment. Photo: Provided by the Organizing Committee

With the aim of raising public awareness and calling on the community to act together for a green capital, the World Cleanup Day was held. The total amount of garbage collected on Pham Hung Street (Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi) was 910kg of garbage.

The main types of garbage collected are plastic cups, medical masks and cigarette butts.

This year in particular, in addition to Hanoi, other Let’s Do It partners and organizations across the country also organized the Clean Up Day in the provinces of Dien Bien, Tuyen Quang, Da Nang, Binh Thuan, Quy Nhon, Dong Nai, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Thai Nguyen, Khanh Hoa and Vung Tau.

A total of 672 volunteers across the country participated in the 2024 World Cleanup Day campaign, collecting 4,136 kg of waste, mostly single-use plastic products such as straws, plastic cups, and foam food containers. This is both an opportunity to spread the message of environmental protection to the community and an opportunity for people to see more clearly the current environmental situation.

Pham Thanh Dat - a volunteer participating in the program - shared: "This year is the 4th year I continue to participate in the World Cleanup Day. This is a good opportunity for young people like me to join hands to take action, creating positive changes for the community and the environment. I myself really changed when I saw with my own eyes cigarette butts and disposable plastic cups being thrown away on the streets."

Thùy Linh

Loại quả thơm ngon béo ngậy nhưng lại giúp giảm mỡ nội tạng

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