Four Options for Job Support for Individuals Affected by Land Reclamation

Như Hạ |

Decision 12/2024/QĐ-TTg stipulates four support options for job placement and vocational training for individuals affected by land expropriation.

Accordingly, there are 4 support options to resolve employment and vocational training for individuals with land expropriation including:

1. Vocational training support;

2. Support for employment resolution within the country;

3. Support for working abroad under a contract;

4. Support for borrowing capital to work abroad under a contract.

Regarding support for borrowing capital to work abroad under a contract, it is stipulated in Article 8 of this Decision.

Accordingly, individuals with land expropriation can borrow preferential capital to work abroad under a contract from the People's Credit Fund if they meet the conditions for borrowing capital:

+ Having full civil act capacity;

+ Having signed a contract with a service enterprise or a public service organization to send laborers to work abroad under a contract;

+ Having registered permanent residence in the area where the People's Credit Fund handles procedures for individuals with land expropriation to borrow capital;

+ Having ensured the loan repayment according to the law for loans exceeding 100 million dong.

- Maximum loan capital: 100% of the cost of working abroad under a contract signed between the laborer and the service enterprise or public service organization sending laborers to work abroad under a contract.

- Interest rate: Equal to the interest rate for poor households according to each period as stipulated by the Prime Minister. The overdue interest rate is 130% of the interest rate.

- Loan term: Maximum equal to the term of the contract sending Vietnamese laborers to work abroad, excluding the extension period of the contract.

Handling loan risks is implemented according to the Government's regulations on the mechanism for handling loan risks at the People's Credit Fund.

The People's Credit Fund guides the dossier, procedures, and loan repayment schedule, and adjusts the loan repayment schedule, extends the loan repayment period, and converts overdue loans.

Decision 12/2024/QĐ-TTg takes effect from August 1, 2024.

Như Hạ

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"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


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