When will V.League buy and sell players?


The Cong Viettel wants to sell Hoang Duc, but is there any team in the V.League ready for a transfer?

From the story of The Cong Viettel

A few days ago, The Cong Viettel club said they were ready to transfer Hoang Duc before the 2024-2025 V.League started. They understand that they cannot retain the stars they trained, when the contract between both parties will expire in early 2025.

The Cong Viettel wants to sell Hoang Duc, but whether this can be done or not depends on many factors.

The international standard football transfer market clearly stipulates three-party consensus. That means, in addition to The Cong Viettel as the seller, this deal only happens when the buyer appears. Equally important is Hoang Duc's decision to stay or go.

And unfortunately, this midfielder does not have such an unfinished transfer need, especially when he has agreed to a deal worth up to 30 billion VND with another team - which will activate immediately after he The contract with Viettel The Cong expired.

Many people say that The Cong Viettel has to blame themselves, because they did not quickly sell Hoang Duc when he still had a long-term contract. But ask a deeper question: even when the opportunity is ripe, does the team really want to put Hoang Duc on the transfer market?

Looking back at the past, at least twice The Cong Viettel could sell Hoang Duc in exchange for a high transfer fee. According to this midfielder himself, 3 years ago, Pathum United (Thailand) wanted him but The Cong Viettel refused.

One year later, Daejeon Hana Citizen (Korea) was ready to release Hoang Duc's contract with a compensation fee of up to 10 billion VND. However, the team and this midfielder decided to extend the contract for another 2 years.

Buying and selling in V.League has never been easy

The story of Hoang Duc and The Cong Viettel is also a visible reality in V.League. Sales deals in Vietnam's No. 1 tournament, if any, only stop at the threshold of team A buying back the (remaining) contract of the player that side B owns.

However, these cases are still counted on the fingers of one hand. Having said that, it is unlikely that two V.League clubs will sit at the negotiating table and propose a transfer fee revolving around the face that both sides are interested in, at least for now.

A core factor leading to the transfer in V.League under the form of fair trade that cannot happen like internationally is the high ownership of the clubs.

Remember, Hoang Duc had to wait until he was 27 years old to break up with The Cong Viettel. Van Toan, Xuan Truong, Tuan Anh, Cong Phuong... also left Hoang Anh Gia Lai when they were 26 or 27 years old!

The terms surrounding dedication to the training club invisible tie up many Vietnamese players until they are 25-26 years old. Song Lam Nghe An - V.League's leading youth training facility also only agreed to let players leave at the age of 23.

This means that Vietnamese players themselves have spent 5-8 years unable to participate in professional transfers. Meanwhile, the vast majority of international players can move from one club to another when they turn 18.

From another perspective, V.League transfers are not easy - coming from the psychology of the players and teams. They often tend to have bilateral dialogue. At that time, the team that wants to own it only has to pay the kickback money and the player's salary, instead of having to pay an additional fee to the partner club.

As for the players themselves, they are not ready to become part of a three-way transfer. Most Vietnamese players have a habit of going through a broker to work with another club when the contract with the parent team is about to end. In return, they default to receiving a bribe of several billion VND/year.

In fact, the story in V.League is also a part of international football transfers, especially with free player transfers.

But if it becomes a repetitive cycle in many teams and many seasons, a break in the cash flow will be present. Clubs that produce good players cannot get the transfer fees they naturally deserve.

The cash flow for V.League development from sales did not happen. Invisibly, the team lost a significant amount of revenue from transfers, in addition to television rights and advertising.


V.League thời… "loạn giá"?


Liên tiếp những bản hợp đồng với lót tay từ 8, 9, 10 tỉ đồng/năm xuất hiện trước mùa giải V.League 2024-2025.

Tăng suất cầu thủ nước ngoài gốc Việt dự V.League 2024-2025


Ban chấp hành VFF quyết định tăng số lượng cầu thủ nước ngoài gốc Việt Nam được đăng kí và sử dụng tại các giải chuyên nghiệp (V.League, Cúp Quốc gia) và bán chuyên nghiệp.

Thị trường chuyển nhượng V.League 2024-2025 bắt đầu rục rịch


Ngay sau khi mùa giải 2023-2024 khép lại, thị trường chuyển nhượng V.League 2024-2025 bắt đầu có những thương vụ đáng chú ý.

Đại diện quán cơm bị tẩy chay ở Hạ Long xin lỗi khách hàng

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Thông tin từ UBND TP Hạ Long sáng 17.9, tại buổi làm việc giữa các bên hôm qua, đại diện quán Cơm sạch bà Liên đã lên tiếng xin lỗi khách hàng.

Kỳ thủ Lê Quang Liêm thắng đương kim vô địch thế giới

tam nguyên |

Chiến thắng của Lê Quang Liêm giúp tuyển Việt Nam hòa tuyển Trung Quốc tại Olympiad Cờ vua 2024.

Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


Đến nay, các hồ thủy điện đang thực hiện xả điều tiết gồm Tuyên Quang (1 cửa), Thác Bà (2 cửa), Trung Sơn (3 cửa), Bản Vẽ (3 cửa).

Cháy thư viện trường tiểu học ở Cà Mau


Đêm khuya, ngọn lửa bốc lên tại Trường Tiểu học 2, thị trấn Rạch Gốc, huyện Ngọc Hiển, tỉnh Cà Mau. Rất may, không thiệt hại về người.

Xe khách cháy rụi sau tiếng nổ lớn lúc rạng sáng ở Điện Biên


Vụ cháy xe khách xảy ra sau tiếng nổ lớn vào rạng sáng nay (17.9), khi đang đỗ tại chợ phiên xã Tả Sìn Thàng, huyện Tủa Chùa, tỉnh Điện Biên.

V.League during... "price chaos"?


A succession of contracts with bribes of 8, 9, 10 billion VND/year appeared before the 2024-2025 V.League season.

Increase the number of foreign players of Vietnamese origin participating in V.League 2024-2025


The VFF Executive Committee decided to increase the number of foreign players of Vietnamese origin registered and used in professional ( V.League , National Cup) and semi-professional tournaments.

Thị trường chuyển nhượng V.League 2024-2025 bắt đầu rục rịch


Ngay sau khi mùa giải 2023-2024 khép lại, thị trường chuyển nhượng V.League 2024-2025 bắt đầu có những thương vụ đáng chú ý.