Lao Dong Newspaper is the voice of Vietnamese officials, trade union members, and workers

Phạm Dung - Cát Tường (ghi) |

Comrade Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - assessed that over the past 95 years, Lao Dong Newspaper has always been at the forefront of protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of workers; the voice of officials, trade union members , workers, civil servants and Vietnamese workers.

Could you please evaluate the contributions of Lao Dong Newspaper in the development of the Trade Union organization and the Vietnamese working class over the past 95 years?

- Comrade NGUYEN DINH KHANG: Lao Dong Newspaper holds a very important position in Vietnam's Revolutionary Press , being one of the earliest revolutionary newspapers in our country. The birth and development of Lao Dong Newspaper is a mirror that reflects the vivid and rich history of the labor movement and trade union activities in the majestic flow of the Vietnamese revolution over nearly a century under the leadership of the Labor Party. Party's religion.

Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited the traditional room of Lao Dong Newspaper. Photo: HAI NGUYEN
Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited the traditional room of Lao Dong Newspaper. Photo: HAI NGUYEN

1929 was the year that left a mark in the history of the labor movement and the Vietnam Trade Union . At the Congress to establish the General Red Congress of Tonkin, among many special tasks, the top priority was to quickly produce a newspaper to mobilize revolution, promote the workers' movement, and gain independence. Since then, Lao Dong has always been the newspaper of the working class and Vietnamese workers, the mouthpiece of the Red General Confederation, now the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Through revolutionary periods, Lao Dong Newspaper has had an important voice, contributing to the cause of fighting for national independence and protecting the Fatherland, propagating the guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and State. country, building the working class and growing the Vietnamese Trade Union. Sticking to its principles and goals, Lao Dong Newspaper always takes the lead in protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of workers; the voice of officials, trade union members, workers, civil servants and Vietnamese workers.

In recent years, the Newspaper has actively participated in organizing propaganda about the worker movement and the activities of the Trade Union, focusing on activities to take care of union members and workers. Many programs propagated by Lao Dong Newspaper have achieved widespread and positive effects in the community such as the "Tet Reunion" program, the union Tet Market, and activities to transport workers back to their hometowns to celebrate Tet; Visit and give gifts to union members and workers in difficult circumstances; awarded "Trade Union Shelter"; organize Spring and New Year celebrations at the boarding house...; Effectively propagate activities in Workers' Month, Action Month on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, and the "May Dialogue" program; forum "Workers for businesses, businesses for workers"; "Thank you workers" activity; "Each Grassroots Trade Union, One Union Member Benefit" program; Labor Forum programs, with the participation of Party and State leaders. Every year, Lao Dong Newspaper also organizes annual activities such as the program "Typical Enterprises for Workers", "Vinh Glory of Vietnam"...

Lao Dong Newspaper has made efforts to propose and advise the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to successfully organize the contest "Literary composition on the topic of workers and trade unions". The contest contributes to promoting the literary movement, rekindling the underground flow of literature about workers and trade unions, an important topic in the country's literature, improving reading culture and literary life. culture and spirit of workers.

The newspaper has promptly reflected the life situation, jobs, thoughts and aspirations of union members and workers as a basis for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to propose and recommend the construction and improvement of legal policies on workers, union.

In general, the newspaper has made great and practical contributions to the cause of building and developing the Trade Union, the working class, as well as the propaganda of policies and information related to workers. , workers.

Each article in Lao Dong Newspaper is like a vivid picture of worker life, truly reflecting the difficulties, hardships, achievements and joys of workers in the work of building and protecting the Fatherland. .

I recognize and appreciate the important role of Lao Dong Newspaper in propagating the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, as well as contributing to raising awareness and fostering morality. virtue, training the bravery of the working class. Lao Dong Newspaper has become an effective bridge between the Party, State and workers, contributing to strengthening the great solidarity of the entire people, encouraging and encouraging the working class to enthusiastically emulate labor in production and construction. build the country increasingly rich and strong.

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited troops and people on Truong Sa island district in April 2024. Photo: CAT TUONG
Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang visited troops and people on Truong Sa island district in April 2024. Photo: CAT TUONG

Would you please give directions and orientations for Lao Dong Newspaper to continue affirming its role as the voice of the working class and the Trade Union organization in the new era?

- Comrade NGUYEN DINH KHANG: In recent years, Lao Dong Newspaper has played an important role, doing a good job of propagating the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and at the same time contributing to improving awareness, fostering ethics, training courage for the working class and laborers, and widely propagating to society about the activities of Vietnamese trade unions.

However, in the new context, full of challenges but also opening up many opportunities, Lao Dong Newspaper needs to strongly innovate and develop comprehensively to continue to affirm its role as the mouthpiece of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the voice of the General Confederation of Labor. of the working class and trade unions.

Newspapers need to continue to improve the quality of information, propaganda, improve format, increase the accessibility of journalistic and published products to readers, especially trade union officials, union members, and employees; promote ideology, class, and attractiveness; Promote digital transformation in journalism and publishing activities; actively fight against corruption, negativity and social evils; refute wrong and hostile views about the working class and the trade union organization. Constantly innovating to meet the requirements of propagating political tasks of the Trade Union organization. Organize and implement communication programs and plans; Compile and publish specialized content and publications when directed and requested by the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Newspapers need to focus on the lives, thoughts, and aspirations of workers and laborers, while promoting creative examples in productive labor. Strengthen analytical news articles, provide in-depth assessments and comments, and contribute to shaping public opinion. Focus on investigative articles, reports, analysis, and commentary. At the same time, train, foster and train a team of Lao Dong journalists who have good moral qualities, dare to engage, have great influence, have solid expertise, comply with the law and have social responsibility. festival.

Develop a variety of journalistic products, especially multimedia forms of journalism, to meet the needs of each reader. It is necessary to make good use of social networks to promote journalistic content and interact with readers, especially union members and workers.

Finally, as a newspaper of the Vietnam Trade Union, Lao Dong newspaper also needs to continue to strengthen cooperation with press agencies and trade unions at all levels to further promote the Vietnam Trade Union page to improve quality. Improve operational efficiency and propaganda effectiveness about the working class and the Trade Union organization in the new situation.

Lao Dong Newspaper reporter interviewed President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang. Photo: HAI NGUYEN
Lao Dong Newspaper reporter interviewed President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang. Photo: HAI NGUYEN
Lao Dong Newspaper reporter (right) receives files from workers whose legal and legitimate rights have been violated. Photo: VIET LAM
Lao Dong Newspaper reporter (right) receives files from workers whose legal and legitimate rights have been violated. Photo: VIET LAM

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the publication of the first issue (August 14, 1929 - August 14, 2024), what message do you want to send to generations of officials, journalists, reporters and workers of Lao Dong newspaper? ?

- Comrade NGUYEN DINH KHANG: First of all, on behalf of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, I send congratulations to all officers, journalists, reporters and workers of all generations of Lao Dong Newspaper.

I hope that generations of officials, journalists, reporters and workers of Lao Dong newspaper will continue to promote the glorious tradition of the newspaper and the Vietnam Trade Union, striving to strive and practice ethics. journalists, improving their professional qualifications and skills, contributing to the further development of the Lao Dong Newspaper and the Trade Union organization.

I believe that, with the efforts and solidarity of the collective of officials, journalists, reporters and workers, Lao Dong Newspaper will continue to grow stronger, increasingly asserting its role as an agency. the speech of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the voice of the working class and the Trade Union organization, contributing to the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland.

Thank you very much comrade!

Phạm Dung - Cát Tường (ghi)

Khám phá nơi những ấn phẩm Báo Lao Động ra đời

Việt Anh - Hoàng Xuyến |

Để những tờ Báo Lao Động "nóng hổi" tới tay bạn đọc mỗi sáng, xưởng in của Công ty Cổ phần In Công đoàn Việt Nam luôn phải sáng đèn mỗi đêm.

Chúng tôi đã trưởng thành từ Báo Lao Động

linh giang |

Năm 2012, tôi ra trường, bước chân vào nghề báo, chứng kiến những năm đầu của giai đoạn khó khăn của các tòa soạn báo. Nhưng ở Báo Lao Động, càng khó khăn càng thấy nhiều nỗ lực. Chúng tôi - những nhà báo trẻ đã và đang trưởng thành trong một môi trường làm báo chuyên nghiệp, mạnh mẽ như vậy.

Những người thợ cống hiến cả thanh xuân để in Báo Lao Động

Việt Anh - Hoàng Xuyến |

Ở xưởng in của Công ty Cổ phần In Công đoàn Việt Nam có những người thợ in đã cống hiến cả thanh xuân, gắn bó với những số báo in của Báo Lao Động.

Báo Lao Động đồng hành bảo vệ quyền lợi công nhân lao động


Bình Dương - Báo Lao Động đã đồng hành bảo vệ quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp chính đáng của công nhân trong các vụ tranh chấp lao động tại Bình Dương.

Báo Lao Động là người bạn thân thiết của tôi

Nguyễn Quốc Toản |

Tôi biết đến tờ Báo Lao Động từ khi còn nhỏ. Đó là vào những năm 1960 của thế kỷ trước. Khi đó cha tôi là Thư ký Công đoàn tỉnh Sơn Tây.

Báo Lao Động thực sự là tiếng nói của người lao động

Linh Nguyên thực hiện |

Về sự phát triển của Báo Lao Động, bà Phạm Thị Thanh Tâm - Chủ tịch Công đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam - khẳng định: Báo thực sự là tiếng nói của đoàn viên, người lao động.

“Báo Lao Động đã mạnh mẽ bảo vệ những người yếu thế”

Xuân Nhàn |

Diễn biến nhanh, theo chiều hướng có lợi cho người lao động vụ người lao động Công ty Cổ phần FLC Quy Nhơn Golf & Resort (FLC Quy Nhơn) đòi lương, bảo hiểm xã hội khiến người trong cuộc cũng không khỏi… ngỡ ngàng.

Giám đốc công ty làm máy nhắn tin cho Hezbollah bị điều tra

Anh Vũ |

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