An unforgettable milestone in the life of trade union officials

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On the morning of July 20, 2019, General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong met 10 delegates honored in the first "Nguyen Van Linh Award" awarding ceremony and 90 outstanding national grassroots Trade Union Presidents for the first time. Wednesday, 2019 at the Presidential Palace. After exactly 5 years of the event, the typical trade union officials who were visited, encouraged, and advised by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong... are still emotional when remembering the close and considerate gestures. , friendliness of the Party and State leaders towards the Trade Union organization in general and trade union officials in particular.

Take better care of workers

Mr. Dang Tuan Tu - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Chang Shin Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Thanh Phu commune, Vinh Cuu district, Dong Nai province) - said: "I feel very honored to be one of the few officials Grassroots trade unions directly met and repeatedly listened to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's instructions to the Vietnam Trade Union organization and its staff. From the advice of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, I and the Union Executive Committee have many activities to take better care of workers at the company."

After having the honor of meeting General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Mr. Tu said: "I realize that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is very interested in the Trade Union organization. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always encouraged trade union officials and advised us to always maintain the moral qualities of trade union officials, to always study and follow the moral ideology of President Ho Chi Minh. Based on the instructions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, I returned to the company to inform the union officials to jointly carry out many activities to better care for union members and workers."

With the desire for the company to be like a family, Mr. Tu proposed to the company's board of directors to organize many activities aimed at employees, considering employees as valuable assets of the business. With his advocacy ability and reputation, Mr. Tu, along with the grassroots union executive committee, negotiated with the business owner to sign a collective labor agreement with many beneficial provisions for workers such as support for workers. 100,000 VND/month milk allowance for workers' children from birth to 6 years old; provide shift meals and milk for all workers at high value; Each year, we support 10 Trade Union Shelters worth 50 million VND/house for union members with housing difficulties; Fully implement insurance policies for employees...

Mr. Tu said that in the coming time, he will continue to implement activities aimed at workers such as improving qualifications and skills for union officials, so that union officials can successfully complete their professional tasks and improve their skills. Negotiation and dialogue skills at businesses. From there, we propose to business owners to add more benefits to workers.

At the same time, continue to organize classes to help workers manage personal finances and accumulate to be able to realize dreams such as building a house, buying a car, sending their children to study abroad...; Establishing services to support workers in finding jobs after retirement; Try to build a kindergarten for workers' children, build a cultural area for workers to enjoy after work; Organize dinner service for workers...

Always try to study and improve your abilities

July 2019, is considered an important milestone in the union activities journey of Mr. Truong Van Tuyen (born in 1985, Head of Administration - Human Resources Department, Chairman of the Trade Union of Hyundai Thanh Cong Automobile Manufacturing Joint Stock Company, Gian Khau Industrial Park, Ninh Binh province).

On the morning of July 20, 2019, Mr. Tuyen was one of 10 outstanding union officials nationwide to receive the Nguyen Van Linh award for the first time and met with General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong.

“General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong came to the front of the Presidential Palace building to welcome, shake hands and take photos with union officials. This is probably an unforgettable milestone in my life!” - Mr. Tuyen recalled.

As a typical trade union official, Mr. Tuyen received a photo of Uncle Ho from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the meeting that day and received the General Secretary's instructions.

“Remembering the advice of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, as a Communist Party official at a company with 50% foreign investment, I always try to study and improve my personal capacity and key qualities. The value of building corporate union collective solidarity, harmony, and development; especially propose policies that are more beneficial for workers" - Mr. Tuyen said.

Always remember the advice of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

On the morning of July 21, talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Ms. Ton Kim Thuy - Head of the District Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Director of the Van Lam District Political Center (Hung Yen province) said: "Exactly 5 years ago (on July 20, 2019 - Reporter), at that time I was the Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Van Lam district, honored to be one of 10 delegates who would be awarded the " Nguyen Van Linh Award " for the first time to the Presidential Palace to meet comrade Nguyen Phu. Trong, General Secretary, President and other Party and state leaders.

More specifically, I am one of three typical union officials who reported to Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong about union activities and the labor movement in Hung Yen province. When standing very close to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, I felt his kindness and concern for the Trade Union and workers...".

At the meeting, Ms. Ton Kim Thuy took to heart the advice of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. “I clearly remember the tasks that comrade Nguyen Phu Trong stated that the Vietnam Trade Union and trade union officials need to focus on implementing to continue building the working class and strong trade union organizations. In particular, there is the content "Trade union officials must actively propagate, educate, and help workers, officials, and laborers become more deeply aware of the Party, the Trade Union organization, and the historical mission." of the working class; educate, promote patriotism, spirit of pride, national self-respect, and political awareness of workers"...

After absorbing the advice and spirit of the General Secretary, upon returning, I and the collective of Van Lam district trade union officials promoted the organization of movements to emulate good workers and creative workers. among workers and labor officials...

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Người dân treo cờ rủ tưởng niệm Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng

Quỳnh Chi |

Nhiều doanh nghiệp và người dân ở Hà Nội đã treo cờ rủ để tưởng nhớ Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

Chân dung Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng khắc họa từ lá sen


Bức chân dung Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng được khắc họa từ chất liệu lá sen, do nghệ nhân Bảy Nghĩa (66 tuổi) ở miền Tây sáng tác khiến nhiều người xúc động.

Người lao động tưởng nhớ Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng


Trong ngày làm việc đầu tuần mới, khoảng 1.000 người lao động của công ty ở Bình Dương đã mặc niệm tưởng nhớ Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


Dòng nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu tập thể Phú Minh (phường Cổ Nhuế 2, quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội) khiến người dân lo lắng.

Dự báo cường độ áp thấp nhiệt đới khi mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4 sẽ có cường độ cấp 8 - 9.

Phân bổ tiền hỗ trợ 26 địa phương bị ảnh hưởng bão lũ


Ban Vận động Cứu trợ Trung ương sẽ tổ chức các đoàn giám sát việc phân bổ nguồn lực tại các địa phương nhận hỗ trợ do bị bão lũ.

Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

Kỳ nghỉ Tết Trung thu năm nay, khách Hàn Quốc du lịch nội địa và quốc tế tăng mạnh, đặc biệt tới Thái Lan, Việt Nam.

People hang flags at half-mast to commemorate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Quỳnh Chi |

Many businesses and people in Hanoi hung flags at half-mast to commemorate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Portrait of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong carved from lotus leaf


The portrait of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong carved from lotus leaf material, created by artist Bay Nghia (66 years old) in the West , touched many people.

Workers commemorate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong


On the first working day of the new week, about 1,000 employees of the company in Binh Duong observed silence to commemorate General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.