Thousands of workers are worried because it floods whenever it rains

Minh Nguyễn |

Whenever it rains, it floods, this is the situation happening at National Highway 12B in front of Lac Son Toy Company (Vo hamlet, An Nghia commune, Lac Son district, Hoa Binh province) causing concern for workers and residents.

Every time there is heavy rain, over 100 meters on National Highway 12B in the Vo hamlet area, An Nghia commune, bordering Yen Nghiep commune (Lac Son district), right in front of Lac Son Toy Company, there is flooding, making it difficult for residents, workers, and vehicles to move, posing many dangers.

For instance, on the morning of July 16th in the mentioned area, after heavy rain, water overflowed causing flooding about 70cm deep, leading to local traffic congestion. The Traffic Police of Lac Son district had to be present to direct traffic.

On July 29th, according to a report by Lao Dong Newspaper, the frequently flooded section of the road is in front of Lac Son Toy Company, right next to Thien Dieu Company. Both units have over 2,500 workers working.

According to observations, this area is in a low-lying position, with earthen ditches on both sides that are easily buried by trash and debris. In front of the company, there are still large puddles of water. Additionally, National Highway 12B is narrow, with high traffic density.

Mr. Bui Van Luong (a resident living near the flooded area) reported that National Highway 12B has a large volume of traffic, so whenever this section is flooded, a series of cars and motorcycles line up to pass through the flooded area, with many vehicles breaking down, causing further traffic jams.

Ms. Bui Thi Hanh - Chairwoman of the Trade Union of Lac Son Toy Company - said: “The flooding situation has been happening for a long time; whenever there is heavy rain, the water is deep across the whole area, with some sections rising to about 50-60cm. On rainy days, workers have to park their motorcycles outside and walk into the company. Some people try to ride through but their vehicles break down halfway, forcing them to push their bikes, getting their clothes all wet.”

According to Ms. Hanh, after the recent heavy rain, the authorities in Lac Son district brought in machinery to dredge the drainage ditches, reducing the water level. However, the flooding situation still persists.

“Not only the residents but also the workers hope that this situation will be completely resolved, so workers no longer have to suffer from flooding,” Ms. Hanh added.

Mr. Bui Van Nguyen - Chairman of An Nghia Commune People's Committee - said that this situation has only occurred this year. The cause is the small drainage ditches, buried by debris, so when it rains heavily, the water cannot drain quickly, leading to local flooding.

According to Mr. Nguyen, he hopes that the authorities will invest in fixing and repairing the issue.

Minh Nguyễn

Nước ngập sâu, người dân bị thiệt hại hàng nghìn con gia cầm


Tình trạng nước ngập sâu, kéo dài, đã khiến cuộc sống của người dân ở một số xã thuộc huyện Quốc Oai (Hà Nội) trở nên khó khăn.

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Khánh Linh |

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Khánh Linh |

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