Tourists flock to see the mysterious plane appear in the forest

Bình Minh |

An old plane appearing in the forest suddenly became a place that attracted tourists from all over.

This large Boeing aircraft was abandoned in a forested land on Bali Island (Indonesia). No one knows why it appeared here.

The plane was surrounded by trees, a small hut and a container. Not far away is a busy highway.

This aircraft is further mysterious when it does not have the identification logo of any airline.

Even though the gate to the plane's area was locked, it quickly became an attractive tourist destination. Many tourists have come here to admire and take photos with the old plane.

According to Katka and Mic - a couple who manage a quite famous travel blog, they had a plane in 2017. They later shared on their blog about how to approach the plane.

According to them, visitors can climb the container to clearly see the plane. If you want to get close to it, you have to pay 10,000 rupies of Indonesia (about 16,000 VND) and can wear it down to 5,000 rupies.

However, a tourist who had been here said that he was opposed by security guards when he tried to "buy a ticket" to see the plane.

Some people speculate that the owner of the plane planned to turn the plane into a restaurant, but it may not have enough money to do so, leaving it abandoned.

Bình Minh

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