Announcing the 2024 high school graduation exam scores, forecasting an increase in standard scores

Tường Vân |

At exactly 8 a.m. today, July 17, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores of more than 1 million candidates nationwide.

Exam marking is safe and serious

Before completing and announcing the 2024 high school graduation exam scores, inspection teams of the National Exam Steering Committee and 63 exam marking inspection teams of the Ministry of Education and Training inspected the exam marking work at 63 Councils. exam throughout the duration of this activity to enhance the rigor of exam marking.

Localities strictly and seriously implement the process of marking essay exams, marking multiple choice exams and reviewing exams to ensure compliance with regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Training, with cameras monitoring the exam room 24/24 hours.

In addition, higher education institutions also coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training to carry out inspection and examination of the marking stages of the exam according to the plan and mobilization of the Ministry of Education and Training.

At the same time, prepare well the conditions to carry out the enrollment work right after the end of the exam: Provide full school enrollment information; promptly support candidates in answering information related to admission; Arrange adequate technical facilities and human resources for admission work; Operate enrollment software well; Develop solutions suitable to the unit's reality to recruit students smoothly and effectively.

According to the 2024 high school graduation exam regulations, after all examiners collectively grade at least 10 exams to learn from experience and unify the grading method, the Literature exams (which have been graded) will be held. Mark 2 independent rounds in 2 separate exam rooms. This ensures that the exam marking process is serious, objective, and fair, especially with the essay exam.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha - Deputy Director of the Department of Quality Management, Ministry of Education and Training - said that each exam has certain criteria regarding subject content, educational quality, orientation...

In addition to the set requirements, there is always an open section in the marking instructions so that if candidates answer in another option that is still in line with the orientation, or has a developmental nature, they can consider it. Mr. Ha affirmed that during the process of scoring the high school graduation exam in Literature, if the examiner encounters special cases, there is absolutely a basis for consideration.

High school graduation exam scores will be announced to candidates at 8:00 a.m. on July 17. Photo: Van Trang
High school graduation exam scores will be announced to candidates at 8:00 a.m. on July 17. Photo: Van Trang

Be careful with the early admission method

In 2024, universities will continue to offer early admission options such as: Admission by high school transcripts, admission by competency test scores, thinking assessment,... instead of depending only on scores. high school graduation exam. Up to now, most universities have announced admission benchmarks according to admission methods.

Early admission (admission form, criteria, conditions,...) depends on the university. However, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, after being eligible for early admission to universities, candidates must still register their desire for early admission to the admission system of the Ministry of Education and Training within the prescribed time period. determine and then pay the admission fee corresponding to the number of registered wishes.

The prescribed application registration time is from July 18 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30. Candidates can register, adjust, and supplement their admission wishes an unlimited number of times. Candidates use the assigned account to process information (enter, view, edit) candidate information on the system.

Registration for admission to majors/programs must be done online on the System or on the National Public Service Portal (instructions are posted on the System or National Public Service Portal). ).

Dr. Tran Khac Thac - Head of Training Department, Thuy Loi University advises candidates to closely follow the instructions in the universities' admission announcements, and remember important deadlines in registering for admission. . "Students who are eligible for admission still have to register for the major or school that has been admitted early into the system of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Only then will our wishes be counted. If you forget to register, you will lose the opportunity to be admitted to your favorite school" - Dr. Tran Khac Thac informed.

The benchmark for early admission to many schools is close to the absolute threshold

According to Lao Dong's records, most universities have announced early admission benchmarks in 2024. Among them, Pedagogy, Information Technology, and Computer Science are among the top fields with the highest benchmarks. Sharpen.

In particular, there are a number of industries that are close to reaching the absolute threshold - 30 points. For example, with the direct admission method and transcript review, the major with the highest standard score is the History Education major with a score of up to 29.71 points (30 point scale).

Or at Can Tho University, among the 16 pedagogical training majors, there are up to 5 majors with a standard score of over 29 points, including: Mathematics Pedagogy, Chemistry Pedagogy, Physics Pedagogy, Biology Pedagogy, Natural Science Pedagogy. The Mathematics Education major has the highest standard score with 29.6 points.

Regarding the standard score according to the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores, it is forecast to increase compared to previous years. The reason is that many schools have set quotas for early admission methods, while admission quotas based on test scores tend to decrease over the years.

Tường Vân

Sáng nay, chính thức công bố điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2024

Vân Trang |

Đúng 8h sáng hôm nay, 17.7, Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo công bố điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2024.

Tra cứu điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2024 ở Cần Thơ


Chiều 16.7, Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo TP Cần Thơ thông tin về việc công bố kết quả và hướng dẫn tra cứu điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2024.

Hà Nội hướng dẫn thí sinh tra cứu điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2024

Huy Hùng |

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội vừa có hướng dẫn tra cứu điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT qua các cổng thông tin chính thức của Bộ và Sở từ 8 giờ sáng 17.7.

Dự báo địa điểm bão Bebinca đổ bộ Trung Quốc sáng nay

Thanh Hà |

Theo dự báo bão mới nhất, bão Bebinca có khả năng đổ bộ vào đất liền Trung Quốc, ở khu vực giữa Bình Hồ, Chiết Giang và Thượng Hải trong sáng 16.9.

Toàn cảnh vụ YouTuber IShowSpeed bị “chặt chém” ở TPHCM

nguyễn đạt |

Sở Du lịch TPHCM gửi lời xin lỗi đến streamer nổi tiếng người Mỹ IShowSpeed sau trải nghiệm du lịch không tốt ở Việt Nam.

Thêm âm mưu ám sát ông Donald Trump ở Florida

Thanh Hà |

FBI đang điều tra âm mưu ám sát cựu Tổng thống Donald Trump ngày 15.9 ở Florida, Mỹ.

Chuyện sao kê và những giá trị thật - giả ở Facebook

Bình An |

“Cơn bão sao kê” khi quét qua Facebook đã phơi lộ sự đối lập giữa 2 khoảng sáng - tối, giữa sự nhân bản, sẻ chia và những vị kỷ tầm thường.

TPHCM đầu tư xử lý nước thải, trả lại màu xanh cho kênh rạch


TPHCM đang từng bước thực hiện các dự án lớn nhằm xử lý nước thải với mục tiêu trả lại màu xanh cho các con kênh bị ô nhiễm.

This morning, the 2024 high school graduation exam scores were officially announced

Vân Trang |

At exactly 8 a.m. today, July 17, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores .

Look up high school graduation exam scores in 2024 in Can Tho


On the afternoon of July 16, the Department of Education and Training of Can Tho City announced the announcement of results and instructions for looking up high school graduation exam scores in 2024.

Hanoi guides candidates to look up 2024 high school graduation exam scores

Huy Hùng |

The Hanoi Department of Education and Training has just issued instructions for looking up high school graduation exam scores through the official portals of the Ministry and Department from 8 a.m. July 17.