Benchmark scores and tuition fees for Automotive Engineering in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyên Chân |

The Automotive Engineering Technology industry in Ho Chi Minh City has a standard score ranging from 15 - 26.65 based on high school graduation exam results.

Automotive engineering technology is a field of study that integrates knowledge from many fields such as mechanics, automation, electricity - electronics, machine manufacturing technology,...

In Ho Chi Minh City, there are many schools that train in Automotive Engineering Technology. In particular, at the University of Technology - Ho Chi Minh City National University, the Automotive Engineering major has a fairly high standard score in 2024 according to the Comprehensive admission method with 78.22 points (standard program); and 65.87 points (program taught and learned in English).

The tuition fee for the standard program at the school is about 30 million VND/year; the advanced program, taught and learned in English, is about 80 million VND/year.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education, the benchmark score for the Automotive Engineering Technology major in 2024 based on the high school graduation exam score is 26.65 points in the general program; 24.25 points in the high-quality program taught in Vietnamese and 24.38 points in the high-quality program taught in English.

Regarding tuition, this major at the school in the Vietnamese undergraduate program is about 16.3 million VND/semester; the English undergraduate program is about 29 million VND/semester.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, the 2024 benchmark score for the high school graduation exam for the Automotive Engineering Technology major is 24 points (general program) and 23 points (English enhanced program).

In the 2024-2025 school year, tuition fees at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry for economics majors are about 32.85 million VND/year; for engineering technology majors are about 33.5 million VND/year.

Anh: Nha truong
The benchmark score for the Automotive Engineering Technology major of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry in 2024 is 24 points in the general program. Photo: School

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, the benchmark score for the Automotive Engineering Technology major in 2024 is 20 points, and the Electric Vehicle Technology major takes 19 points.

In the 2024 - 2025 school year, tuition at this school is about 18 - 19 million VND/semester.

Nguyen Tat Thanh University, the standard score for the Automotive Engineering Technology major based on the 2024 high school graduation exam score is 15 points. The average tuition fee is about 38 million VND/year.

Nguyên Chân

Điểm chuẩn bổ sung ngành Logistics năm 2024

Hồng Nhung |

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Thêm trường sư phạm công bố điểm chuẩn xét tuyển bổ sung

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