The teacher was absent, the kindergarten monitor beat 6 children until they were bruised


Nghe An – While the teacher was out, a kindergarten monitor in Nghia Dan district used a plastic pipe to beat 6 classmates, leaving them bruised.

On the morning of October 9, Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Head of the Education and Training Division of Nghia Dan district, Nghe An province, said that he had sent a report to the district People's Committee about the incident of many students being beaten at Nghia Loc Kindergarten.

The incident happened in class 5 years old A2, Nghia Loc Kindergarten, with 43 children, led by 2 homeroom teachers, Ms. Tran Quynh Mai and Le Thi Ly.

On the afternoon of October 7, the school assigned Ms. Mai to update school information on the database in the medical room and Ms. Ly went to another room to prepare lesson content and supplies to participate in a professional conference.

Phu huynh hoang hot khi phat hien cac vet bam tim tren co the con. Anh: Hai Dang
Parents panicked when they discovered bruises on their child's body. Photo: Hai Dang

The school arranged for Ms. Dao Thi Soa (born in 1986, teacher of 3-year-old class C1) to take over the class while the two teachers were on other assignments. However, she went out and left the class monitor to look after the class.

This girl used a plastic toy pipe to hit her classmates. When Ms. Tran Quynh Mai returned, she discovered that 6 students had injuries (bruises) of various degrees on their bodies, so she informed their parents to take them home.

Of the 6 children with purple wounds, 2 were quite serious with many bruises on their backs, faces, and legs. Worried about their children, the parents took the 2 children to the hospital that night for a check-up and health monitoring. The other cases with mild injuries did not go to the hospital for examination.

That same evening, the school visited each family to discuss and apologize to parents for their mistakes in managing, educating, and caring for children.

Head of the Education and Training Division of Nghia Dan district added that upon learning of the incident of the child being beaten, the Division went directly to the school, coordinated with functional units to grasp the incident; requested the school to report the incident, clarify responsibilities; and also recommended that the police investigate and verify clearly.

Regarding the incident, the Nghe An Department of Education and Training has directed the Department of Education and Training of Nghia Dan district to coordinate in monitoring the health of students; coordinate with localities to do a good job of ideological work with parents.

At the same time, the school is required to organize a review, clarify responsibilities and handle violations of groups and individuals (if any) according to regulations.


Khẩn trương xác minh nhiều học sinh mầm non bị đánh bầm tím


Nghệ An – Đón con từ trường mầm non về nhà, nhiều phụ huynh ở huyện Nghĩa Đàn hoảng hốt khi phát hiện nhiều vết bầm tím trên cơ thể con.

Bất ngờ kết quả điều tra vụ bé 5 tuổi bị bầm tím khi đi học ở Hải Phòng

Mai Dung |

Chủ tịch UBND TP.Hải Phòng vừa tiếp tục chỉ đạo về vụ việc trẻ lớp mẫu giáo 5 tuổi Trường mầm non An Dương (quận Lê Chân) bị bầm tím ở vùng lưng.

Vụ bé gái Hải Phòng bị bầm tím ở lưng: Đổi giáo viên phụ trách lớp

Hoàng Khôi |

UBND quận Lê Chân (Hải Phòng) vừa có văn bản số 1717/UBND-GDĐT về việc thực hiện kết luận của Chủ tịch UBND TP Hải Phòng liên quan vụ trẻ lớp mẫu giáo 5 tuổi Trường mầm non An Dương có vết bầm tím ở lưng.

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Urgently verify many preschool students were beaten and bruised


Nghe An – Picking up their children from kindergarten, many parents in Nghia Dan district were shocked to discover many bruises on their children's bodies.

Bất ngờ kết quả điều tra vụ bé 5 tuổi bị bầm tím khi đi học ở Hải Phòng

Mai Dung |

Chủ tịch UBND TP.Hải Phòng vừa tiếp tục chỉ đạo về vụ việc trẻ lớp mẫu giáo 5 tuổi Trường mầm non An Dương (quận Lê Chân) bị bầm tím ở vùng lưng.

Vụ bé gái Hải Phòng bị bầm tím ở lưng: Đổi giáo viên phụ trách lớp

Hoàng Khôi |

UBND quận Lê Chân (Hải Phòng) vừa có văn bản số 1717/UBND-GDĐT về việc thực hiện kết luận của Chủ tịch UBND TP Hải Phòng liên quan vụ trẻ lớp mẫu giáo 5 tuổi Trường mầm non An Dương có vết bầm tím ở lưng.