Students complain about having to eat leftover rice, Hanoi University of Science and Technology admits fault

Vân Trang |

Students at Hanoi University of Science and Technology reported that they had to eat leftover rice, even rice with worms and rat droppings, when studying National Defense and Security Education at school.

According to the regulations of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, all first-year students must study national defense education for 2 weeks. Students must pay 1,630,000 VND for centralized accommodation and meals.

According to videos recorded by students and sent to VTV, every day, there is a squad that helps serve meals. Students in this squad said that their task is to collect leftover rice from bowls at each table of the platoon that had eaten about an hour before, mix it well, and pour it into trays. After that, the kitchen staff pours this leftover rice into a common rice container and continues to distribute it to the units that come to eat later.

In addition to rice, half-eaten bowls of soup were also collected, poured back into the pot, and then divided into new meals. Many students at the Polytechnic University also reported finding foreign objects in their food many times.

Khanh - a first-year student majoring in Information Technology at Hanoi University of Science and Technology - was not surprised to see the above information because before that, he heard many classmates complaining about the quality of meals during their time studying National Defense and Security Education at school.

"The school is divided into many sessions of National Defense and Security and according to the plan, I will only go to school in November. I have heard many friends talk about such meals and am quite worried about my turn to go to school" - the male student said and expressed hope that after the incident, the school will make adjustments to ensure students' meals.

On the afternoon of October 7, Hanoi University of Science and Technology conducted a comprehensive inspection of the organization of centralized meals and accommodation for students at the Faculty of National Defense and Security Education, and convened a meeting with relevant parties to clarify the information provided.

Through inspection, the working group noted that some information reported by the press was true, although the catering unit had provided explanations but they were not convincing enough, such as: They had not received direct feedback from students studying here about food hygiene, as well as no cases of food poisoning had been recorded through the Polytechnic Medical Center, new staff did not understand the regulations....

Dai hoc Bach khoa da
Hanoi University of Science and Technology said it will strictly handle related groups and individuals to ensure the rights of students. Photo: HUST

Hanoi University of Science and Technology said that it will publicize and strictly handle the relevant groups and individuals to ensure the rights of students. At the same time, it directed to immediately stop the contract with the current food supplier for new students studying national defense education. Transfer to another unit to provide meals that meet all quantitative and food safety standards. Continue to request the relevant parties to clarify and thoroughly handle the matter.

"This is an unfortunate incident. Hanoi University of Science and Technology would like to apologize and hope to receive sympathy and understanding from parents and students," the school said in a statement.

Vân Trang

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