Prime Minister requests to reduce pressure in graduation exams

Vân Trang |

The Prime Minister requested to organize the graduation exam in a way that reduces pressure, reduces costs, is less expensive, ensures reliability, and accurately assesses students' abilities.

On October 7, the Prime Minister issued Directive No. 37/CT-TTg on strengthening the direction, coordination, and organization of high school graduation exams and university and vocational education admissions in 2025.

To proactively and actively prepare the necessary conditions to ensure the improvement of teaching and learning quality, and to organize well the 2025 entrance exam and enrollment, the Prime Minister requested the Minister of Education and Training (GDDT), ministers, heads of relevant agencies, and chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to focus on directing the synchronous and effective implementation of the proposed tasks and solutions.

In particular, the Prime Minister emphasized that ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, and chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities must lead and direct the organization of the exam in a drastic, close, and comprehensive manner in order to reduce pressure, reduce costs, and minimize expenses for candidates, families, and society, ensuring reliability, honesty, and correct assessment of students' abilities, using exam results to consider recognition of high school graduation; as a basis for assessing the teaching and learning process in schools and localities; and providing reliable and honest data for universities and vocational education institutions to use in enrollment work.

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Education and Training to promptly issue examination regulations, examination organization plans, and documents directing and guiding localities on exam preparation and organization, ensuring the requirements of thorough decentralization according to authority, clear content, clear process, clear responsibility and efficiency.

In addition, develop and soon announce reference exam questions that are stable for many years so that schools, teachers and students can be proactive in reviewing, teaching and learning activities. Organize the development of exam questions to ensure quality, confidentiality, safety and differentiation to meet the requirements of exams and admissions. Continue to promote the application of information technology and digital transformation to serve the organization of exams and admissions to ensure compliance with regulations, accuracy, safety and efficiency...

The Prime Minister also requested the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to take full responsibility for the preparation and organization of the exam in their localities.

The Ministry of Public Security directs local police and relevant units to closely coordinate with the Department of Education and Training and agencies and units to take measures to ensure absolute security and safety for the exam; disseminate and provide training on ensuring security and safety for the exam; proactively grasp the situation, prevent, detect and strictly handle violations of related laws, especially the purchase and use of high-tech equipment to cheat in exams,...

Please read the full text of the Directive HERE.

Vân Trang

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