Stink bugs attack rice, farmers face risk of total loss

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Mekong Delta - Stink bugs causing damage to many rice fields have affected productivity as well as quality during harvest.

In Lang Com hamlet, Binh Giang commune, Hon Dat district (Kien Giang province), there are more than 1,200 hectares of Autumn-Winter rice (crop 3), so far, about 1,000 hectares have been harvested. However, in the past 2 weeks, the harvested rice yield has decreased, from 5.7 tons/ha to less than 5 tons/ha.

According to Nguyen Van Hung - Vice President of Lang Com Hamlet Farmers' Association, the reason is that many rice fields in the locality have been attacked by stink bugs. Preliminary calculations show that at least 200 hectares of rice have been affected to varying degrees.

Stink bugs attack rice grown in Hon Dat district, Kien Giang province. Photo: Phong Linh

Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Trung (1993, Lang Com hamlet) said that he discovered this rice insect 3 years ago, but until now there is still no way to treat it. On average, a rice flower with 100 grains is attacked by 10 - 20 stink bugs, causing 30 - 40 grains to be empty, and the remaining grains are not round.

"With the remaining rice in the field, the yield may decrease by 30-40%, less than 4 tons/ha. Even if my rice field is harvested late, it is likely that stink bugs will migrate in more, risking total loss" - Mr. Trung worried.

Can canh bo xit hoi gay hai lua. Anh: Phong Linh.
Close-up of stink bugs that damage rice. Photo: Phong Linh

It can be seen that the appearance of this insect has directly attacked the profits of farmers. These days, the family of old farmer Huynh Van Co (Lang Com hamlet) is in a corner because traders use the excuse of stink bugs to bargain over rice purchases.

"The stink bug attack forced us to quickly sell fresh rice. But after visiting the fields, traders refused to accept the old price, complaining that the rice grains were flat. Unusual rainy weather, and debts for supplies that needed to be paid... all of this pressure forced us to sell rice at any price," Mr. Co lamented.

Anh Trung (ben trai) va nhan vien ky thuat nong nghiep cay trong, phan bon sinh hoc dau dau vi chua co thuoc tri. Anh: Phong Linh.
Mr. Trung (left) and agricultural technicians of plants and biological fertilizers are having a headache because there is no medicine to treat stink bugs. Photo: Phong Linh

According to some farmers and agricultural officials, stink bugs are not only appearing and causing damage to rice in Luong An Tra and O Lam communes (Tri Ton district, An Giang province) but also spreading to many localities in the Mekong Delta, such as Soc Trang, Tra Vinh...

"This is extremely dangerous in the context of rice cultivation in the entire Mekong Delta taking place like a back-to-back crop. This is not only an ideal environment to provide food but also a place for stink bugs to quickly multiply, directly attacking the winter-spring rice crop - the rice crop considered the main raw material for Vietnam's rice export. More worryingly, up to now, there is still no specific medicine to treat this rice pest" - Mr. Tran Minh Hieu, agricultural technician of crops and biological fertilizers, informed.

Stink bugs appear densely on rice. Photo: NVCC
Lục Tùng - Phong Linh

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Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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Experts advise on how to deal with stink bugs that damage rice

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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Close-up of insecticide-free insects attacking rice on a large scale

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Kien Giang - In the absence of a specific treatment, stink bugs are likely to continue causing damage to many rice fields in the Mekong Delta.