Gasoline prices today 10.10: Strong increase across the board

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Oil prices on the international market today (October 10) increased sharply. WTI crude oil reached 73.81 USD/barrel; Brent oil reached 77.15 USD/barrel.

World oil prices today

World oil prices increased simultaneously in the trading session on October 9 (Vietnam time). At 10:42 am, WTI crude oil was at 73.81 USD/barrel, up 0.57 USD/barrel, equivalent to an increase of 0.78%. WTI crude oil closed the previous trading session at 73.24 USD/barrel, opening today's session at 73.34 USD/barrel.

Brent crude oil was at $77.15 a barrel, up $0.58 a barrel, or 0.74 percent. Brent crude oil closed the previous session at $76.58 a barrel and opened today's session at $76.58 a barrel.

Thus, at the close of yesterday's trading session (October 9), WTI and Brent oil prices both increased by about 04%, and the upward momentum continued to be maintained this morning.

Global oil prices are being weighed down by US inventory data, analysts said. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said crude inventories rose by 5.8 million barrels to 422.7 million barrels last week, compared with analysts' expectations in a Reuters poll for a 2 million barrel increase. The increase was smaller than estimates from the American Petroleum Institute trade group on Tuesday, limiting the decline in oil prices.

Markets remain concerned about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s oil infrastructure, even after oil prices fell more than 4% on Tuesday on the possibility of a ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel.

Domestic gasoline prices today

On October 10, retail gasoline prices according to the price list announced by Petrolimex in regions 1 and 2 (46 provinces and cities currently applying) are as follows:

Gia xang dau trong nuoc ngay 10.10 theo bang gia cong bo cua Petrolimex
Domestic gasoline prices on October 10 according to the price list announced by Petrolimex

The above domestic retail price of gasoline was adjusted by the Ministry of Finance - Industry and Trade in the price management session on the afternoon of October 3.

Gasoline discount today

Discount prices of petroleum products today, October 10, at some domestic petroleum dealers:

PV OIl discounts on October 10 as follows: Oil discount: 100 VND/liter; RON 95 - III gasoline: 0 VND/liter; E5 gasoline: 0 VND/liter. Applicable at PVOIL Dinh Vu warehouse, Petec An Hai, Cai Lan.

Tu Luc Petroleum discounts on October 10 as follows: Oil discount: 200 VND/liter; RON 95 - III gasoline: 200 VND/liter; E5 gasoline: 200 VND/liter.

MIPEC gasoline discount on October 10: RON 95 - III discount: 50 VND/liter; E5 gasoline: 50 VND/liter; oil: 50 VND/liter. Applicable to the Northern region.

Forecast of domestic gasoline prices next period

According to a representative of a petroleum business, domestic petroleum prices will fluctuate according to the world petroleum situation. According to current market developments, it is forecasted that in the price adjustment period this afternoon (October 10), petroleum prices may increase sharply.

Of which, RON 95-III gasoline may increase by VND1,300/liter; E5 RON 92 gasoline is forecast to increase by VND1,100/liter; oil is also forecast to increase sharply by VND1,200/liter.

Since the beginning of the year, since the price adjustment session on January 4, gasoline prices have increased 19 times and decreased 20 times. Oil prices have increased 17 times and decreased 22 times.

Today's gasoline prices are for reference only and may change according to market conditions without prior notice. Readers should consider carefully when using the information in this newsletter.

See more articles about gasoline prices HERE.

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Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 9.10: Bật tăng sau phiên giảm mạnh

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 9.10: Giá xăng dầu thế giới hôm nay đồng loạt tăng. Dầu thô WTI đạt 73,73 USD/thùng; dầu Brent đạt 77,45 USD/thùng.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 8.10: Quay đầu giảm mạnh

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 8.10: Giá xăng dầu trên thị trường thế giới hôm nay đồng loạt giảm. Dầu thô WTI đạt 75,50 USD/thùng; dầu Brent đạt 79,25 USD/thùng.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 7.10: Đồng loạt giảm

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 7.10: Giá xăng dầu hôm nay đồng loạt giảm. Dầu thô WTI đạt 74,14 USD/thùng; dầu Brent đạt 77,73 USD/thùng.

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Mất khí đốt Nga, EU tê liệt tăng trưởng

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Gasoline price today October 9: Up after a sharp decline

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today October 9: World oil prices today increased simultaneously. WTI crude oil reached 73.73 USD/barrel; Brent oil reached 77.45 USD/barrel.

Gasoline price today October 8: Sharp decrease

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today October 8: Oil prices on the world market today decreased simultaneously. WTI crude oil reached 75.50 USD/barrel; Brent oil reached 79.25 USD/barrel.

Gasoline prices today 10/7: All down

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today October 7: Oil prices today decreased simultaneously. WTI crude oil reached 74.14 USD/barrel; Brent oil reached 77.73 USD/barrel.