Consequences when the Petroleum Stabilization Fund is used for the wrong purpose

Cường Ngô |

The management of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund has many shortcomings, so experts believe that the use of this fund should be stopped and replaced with a material fund.

According to the investigation conclusion of the Ministry of Public Security, former director of Xuyen Viet Oil Mai Thi Hong Hanh was accused of using money from the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund to buy real estate, lend money to friends, spend on personal expenses, and pay huge bribes to a number of individuals at the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.

However, in addition to spending money from the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund indiscriminately, not only Xuyen Viet Oil but also some petroleum wholesalers are late in depositing money from the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund into bank accounts or are not fully declaring the balance of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund, potentially causing many risks of losing people's money.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance have repeatedly issued documents urging businesses such as Xuyen Viet Oil and Hai Ha Waterway Transport Company Limited to transfer the price stabilization fund to the budget. However, to date, the Ministry of Finance has not received any information from these businesses about the implementation of the payment of the balance of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund.

A gas station of Xuyen Viet Oil. Photo: Nguyen Tung
A gas station of Xuyen Viet Oil. Photo: Nguyen Tung

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Trade also issued a document requesting Trung Linh Phat Company Limited to report on the implementation of regulations on the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund and to remedy related violations.

According to the ministry, despite repeated requests for the company to strictly comply with regulations on the petroleum price stabilization fund, including transferring money to the price stabilization fund account, the company has yet to do so.

Need to abolish the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund

Speaking with Lao Dong, economic expert Vu Vinh Phu - former Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Trade - said that during the implementation process, the fund has revealed more shortcomings than its effect on stabilizing the market.

Because the fund is kept in businesses, it has sometimes been exploited, used for the wrong purposes, and even violated the law.

According to the conclusion of the Government Inspectorate in January 2024, 3/7 key petroleum traders were fined 3 times or more; 3 traders set aside and used funds for the volume of petroleum exceeding the volume on the books, leading to incorrect fund setting aside of more than 4.7 billion VND and incorrect fund use of more than 22.5 billion VND...

From the above shortcomings, it shows that it is time to end the era of using this fund. When abolishing the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund, there must be a stabilization fund in kind (petrol) to replace it. Because at present, we are still dependent on the world. The stabilization fund in kind must be large enough to reserve for the country for 3-6 months, only then will it be able to stabilize the market when necessary.

This fund must be accounted for, circulated, bought low, sold high like a State capital management company.

In addition, once petroleum importers, wholesalers, and retailers are given autonomy in their business, the phenomenon of monopoly, group interests, request-grant mechanisms, and complicated, time-consuming and opportunity-wasting reporting regimes for businesses will be eliminated.

From there, retail and wholesale prices will fluctuate according to the world market. Businesses will proactively calculate the business costs from purchasing to selling each drop of gasoline and oil, and will bear the profit and loss.

Petroleum should only be managed by one specialized ministry, which is the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Ministry of Industry and Trade does not directly direct business but only manages to combat smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeit goods, and tax evasion.

The management department needs to create a healthy, open and transparent competitive environment in the domestic petroleum market. Higher transparency in petroleum transactions will bring benefits to businesses and social consumers when they have a need to use it.

"With the new orientation on establishing a price stabilization fund invested, funded and managed by the State, replacing the previous cash fund, it will bring a new image of business and service of a national essential commodity in the coming years, when the State petroleum reserve has been completed," said Mr. Phu.

Cường Ngô

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 1.9: Dự báo xăng giảm kỳ tới

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 1.9: Dầu thô WTI giảm 1,7%, dầu Brent giảm 2,6% so với tuần trước. Dự báo giá xăng dầu giảm 100-200 đồng/lít trong kỳ điều hành tới.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 31.8: Đồng loạt giảm mạnh

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 31.8: Đồng loạt giảm mạnh. Dầu thô WTI đạt 73,65 USD/thùng, dầu Brent đạt 77,05 USD thùng.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 30.8: Biến động trái chiều

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 30.8: Dầu thô WTI đạt 75,98 USD/thùng, dầu Brent đạt 78,93 USD thùng. Trong khi đó, xăng dầu trong nước đồng loạt giảm.

Mắc bẫy lừa đảo mua "combo du lịch" vì ham rẻ


Đánh vào tâm lý "ham rẻ" khi tham quan, nghỉ dưỡng của người dân, đối tượng lừa đảo đã mạo danh công ty, phòng vé bán combo, vé máy bay du lịch.

Xuất hiện sạt lở nguy hiểm tại bờ sông Cầu, Thái Nguyên

Ngọc Minh |

Sau khi mực nước sông Cầu dâng cao, nhiều vị trí sát mép bờ tại địa phận xã Nhã Lộng (huyện Phú Bình, Thái Nguyên) tiếp tục nguy cơ sạt lở khiến người dân bất an.

Những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn đã xuất hiện

Lục Giang |

Ngoài trái phiếu ngân hàng, thị trường trái phiếu ghi nhận những tín hiệu tích cực từ nhóm bất động sản với những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn.

Hiện trường vụ sập giàn giáo cầu chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang

Lam Thanh |

Tại hiện trường là khung cảnh đổ nát sau vụ sập giàn giáo trong quá trình đổ bê tông hầm chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang.

Gia cảnh khó khăn của trưởng công an xã mất khi trực lũ

Vũ Bảo - Trần Bùi |

Yên Bái - Thiếu tá Trần Đông, Trưởng Công an xã Vân Hội, ra đi để lại vợ và 2 con thơ.

Gasoline price today 1.9: Gasoline price forecast to decrease next period

Hà Vy |

Today's oil price 1.9: WTI crude oil decreased by 1.7%, Brent oil decreased by 2.6% compared to last week. Oil price is forecasted to decrease by 100-200 VND/liter in the next adjustment period.

Gasoline prices today August 31: Sharp decrease across the board

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today, August 31: All fell sharply. WTI crude oil reached 73.65 USD/barrel, Brent oil reached 77.05 USD/barrel.

Gasoline prices today August 30: Mixed fluctuations

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today, August 30: WTI crude oil reached 75.98 USD/barrel, Brent oil reached 78.93 USD/barrel. Meanwhile, domestic oil prices decreased simultaneously.