Green economy - an irreversible trend

Đức Mạnh |

Along with strong economic growth in recent years, Vietnam has faced a significant increase in energy consumption and carbon emissions. To ensure the goal of sustainable development, towards Net Zero by 2050, developing a green economy is an irreversible task and trend.

Towards the goal of green growth

Currently, green growth is a new approach in economic development of countries around the world. Green growth not only brings economic benefits, but also aims to restore and preserve natural ecosystems. Vietnam is being evaluated as a country with a lot of potential for developing green economic sectors that are not resource- and labor-intensive. In particular, Vietnam has a business community ready to join hands for the goal of green growth.

Recently, large enterprises have begun to join the "game", participating in implementing the zero emission target to keep up with international requirements on emission reduction. At the same time, it is ready to implement the Vietnamese Government's policy on responding to climate change. Among them, Vingroup - one of the pioneering enterprises making efforts in the green transition process, is determined to accelerate the electric vehicle development roadmap and is steadfast with this choice, even though this is one of the most difficult fields, consumes the most resources and competes most fiercely.

In Hanoi, there are more and more electric vehicles produced by VinFast, from motorbikes, cars, taxis to buses. The electric bus routes operated by Vinbus are also the first electric bus routes in the region. That shows the determination and determination of Vingroup and VinFast in popularizing electric vehicles to reduce emissions in traffic, contribute to environmental protection, and help Vietnam achieve the Net-Zero goal by 2050. Especially Recently, this business also launched the campaign "Strong Vietnamese spirit - For a green future", as a strong commitment to accompany the Government in implementing green growth goals.

With huge potential in solar power, onshore and offshore wind power, Vietnam has good conditions to convert the energy industry from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Photo: EVN
With huge potential in solar power, onshore and offshore wind power, Vietnam has good conditions to convert the energy industry from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Photo: EVN

It costs 16.1 billion USD per year for energy transition

According to experts, building a green economy targets three goals. The first is economic development, which means restructuring economic activities and infrastructure to get better results from investments in resources, human resources and finance. The second is environmental protection, which means reducing greenhouse gas emissions, responding to climate change, exploiting and using less natural resources, and creating less waste. Third is the social goal, contributing to hunger eradication and poverty reduction, creating a driving force for sustainable economic growth and reducing social inequality. Green transformation activities include: Energy transition, green industrial transformation, sustainable agriculture and circular economy.

In recent years, transforming the energy system has become urgent in moving towards a future of sustainable development. The Government of Vietnam's strong affirmation and commitment at COP Conferences to the net zero emissions target by 2050 and participation in the global announcement on converting coal power to clean energy has clearly shown its determination. of Vietnam in green transformation, energy transformation, and economic growth model innovation.

In the period from 2017 - 2023, the Government has issued many decisions, plans and action programs on mechanisms to encourage the development of wind power, biomass power, power from solid waste and solar power. Thereby, many resources of all economic sectors have been mobilized to develop renewable energy. This is an important direction for Vietnam towards a low-carbon economy and green growth in the coming decades.

According to Mr. Kristoffer Bottzauw - Director of the Danish Energy Agency, Vietnam has abundant energy resources and green transformation will be a driving force for growth for the economy, ensuring energy security and sustainable development for all society. The Vietnam Energy Outlook Report clearly shows that the best and most cost-effective option to support Vietnam's sustainable growth is to expand the scale of solar and wind power, as well as electrify the transportation sector. transportation and industry. It is important to accelerate the green energy transition process in Vietnam soon to avoid unnecessary large costs due to the increasing impacts of climate change.

Experts say that the transition to clean energy requires large investments and appropriate technology in the production and storage of renewable energy to ensure stable energy supply. According to the Vietnam Energy Association, the investment capital need for the electricity industry in the period 2021 - 2030 is about 134.7 billion USD (equivalent to 13.4 billion USD/year), but in the past 3 years only about 30 billion USD (8.5 billion USD/year). Thus, in the remaining 6.5 years, we must invest up to 105 billion USD (16.1 billion USD/year).

In addition to needing large resources, according to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Energy Association, we need to soon complete legal documents to have a legal basis for deploying background power sources. and renewable energy sources. Promulgate the Decree on direct electricity purchase and sale mechanism (DPPA); mechanism to encourage self-produced and self-consumed rooftop solar power with the goal that by 2030, 50% of office buildings and 50% of residential houses will use self-produced and self-consumed rooftop solar power. Promulgate regulations on mobilizing flexible power sources; electricity trading price frame with battery storage system (BESS) and pumped hydroelectricity.

And in the green transformation journey, businesses are the group that plays a pioneering role in the energy transition process, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, playing a key role in successfully implementing the commitment to achieve net emissions equal to " 0" by 2050. Therefore, policy-making agencies need to develop support mechanisms, the ultimate goal of which is to promote businesses in each field to accelerate the transformation process, for the future of development. sustainability of the business and the country.

Đức Mạnh

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