The end of the hot weather and transition to thunderstorms next week


The meteorological agency said that the North will have scattered showers and thunderstorms; Locally, there will be heavy to very heavy rain in the coming days.

The National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting has issued a weather assessment for this weekend and next week (from July 13 to July 21).

Hanoi area

From July 13 to 15, Hanoi is sunny. On July 13, Hanoi had hot weather; In the evening and at night there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms.

From the night of July 15 to 17, Hanoi will have showers and scattered thunderstorms, with heavy rain in some places.

From July 18, Hanoi has had scattered showers and thunderstorms; On July 19, there is a possibility of moderate rain, heavy rain and strong thunderstorms. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of storms, tornadoes, hail and strong winds.

From July 20 to 21, Hanoi is likely to have sunny weather again.

Northern region

The Northwest region from July 13 to July 16 will have scattered showers and thunderstorms, locally with heavy to very heavy rain. Rainy time is concentrated in the evening and night. From July 17 to 19, the Northwest will have scattered showers and thunderstorms.

In the Northeast from July 13 to 15, there will be showers and thunderstorms in some places, sunny days, especially on July 13, some places will have hot weather. From the night of July 15 to 17, there will be showers and scattered thunderstorms, with some places having heavy to very heavy rain; The Northern Delta region is likely to experience moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms.

From July 18 to 19, the Northeast will have scattered showers and thunderstorms. The Northern Delta region on July 18 is likely to experience moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms.

During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of storms, tornadoes, hail and strong winds; Mountainous and midland areas need to be careful of the possibility of flash floods and landslides; Delta areas should be protected from flooding.

From July 20 to 21, the Northern region is likely to have intermittent sunshine again.

Regarding hydrology, from July 15 to 17, on the upper reaches of the Red River - Thai Binh there is a possibility of a small flood.

Central region

On July 13, the North Central and Central Central regions had hot weather, in some places it was extremely hot; The South Central region has sunny days, hot weather in some places, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evenings and nights.

From the night of July 14 to 16, the North Central and Central Central regions had moderate rain, heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, with some places having very heavy rain; The South Central region has scattered showers and thunderstorms, locally with heavy rain.

On July 17 - 18, the Central region will have scattered showers and thunderstorms; The area from Thanh Hoa - Thua Thien Hue on July 18 is likely to have moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms.

On July 19, the Central region had scattered showers and thunderstorms. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of storms, tornadoes, hail and strong winds. Mountainous and midland areas need to be careful of the possibility of flash floods and landslides; Delta areas should be protected from flooding.

Regarding hydrology, from July 15 to 17, upstream rivers in the North Central and Central Central regions are likely to experience a flood, with water levels fluctuating downstream.

Central Highlands and Southern regions

From July 13 to 19, the Central Highlands and the South will have showers and scattered thunderstorms, with some places having heavy to very heavy rain. Rain concentrates in the evening and night.

Particularly in the Central Highlands, from the evening of July 14 to 15, there will be moderate rain, heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, with some places having very heavy rain. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of storms, tornadoes, hail and strong winds.

Water levels of rivers in the Central Highlands region fluctuate; Rivers in the South change according to tides.


Dự báo khu vực nào ở miền Bắc sắp mưa rất to trên 80mm?


Theo Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia, thời điểm chiều tối và đêm nhiều khu vực trên cả nước có mưa rào và dông rải rác; cục bộ có mưa to đến rất to.

Sắp hình thành vùng áp thấp trên Biển Đông gây mưa dông mạnh


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Dự báo Bắc Bộ và Nam Bộ sắp mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 100mm


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Điện Biên - Sau khi Báo Lao Động có bài phản ánh "Khổ vì dự án giao thông 1.300 tỉ chậm tiến độ", các nhà thầu đã huy động tối đa máy móc, nhân lực để thi công.

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