Close-up of construction progress of Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

HCMC - Currently at the construction site, workers are working day and night to quickly complete the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project as scheduled.

The Ring Road 3 project through Ho Chi Minh City is more than 47km long, passing through Thu Duc City, Binh Chanh, Hoc Mon and Cu Chi districts, with a total investment of more than 41,000 billion VND.
The Ring Road 3 project through Ho Chi Minh City is more than 47km long, passing through Thu Duc City, Binh Chanh, Hoc Mon and Cu Chi districts, with a total investment of more than 41,000 billion VND.
This is a key traffic project with multi-dimensional impacts on the economy and society of Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces, so Ho Chi Minh City is paying special attention to speeding up its progress.
This is a key traffic project with multi-dimensional impacts on the economy and society of Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces, so Ho Chi Minh City is paying special attention to speeding up its progress.
According to Lao Dong's records at the construction site of the Ring Road 3 project in Thu Duc City, the entire system including investors, contractors, engineers, supervisors, workers... all took turns working three shifts, four shifts day and night, and even during the recent September 2nd holiday, construction was still actively underway.
According to Lao Dong's records at the Ring Road 3 project construction site in Thu Duc City, from the investor, contractor, engineer, supervisory consultant to workers... all take turns working three shifts, four shifts day and night.
The Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project includes 14 construction packages, including 10 main construction packages and 4 operation and exploitation packages.
The Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project includes 14 construction packages, including 10 main construction packages and 4 operation and exploitation packages.
The XL1 package has a contract value of over VND2,213 billion, starting from January 2024. Currently, the contractor is focusing on accelerating the construction progress of the substructure items on the route and simultaneously implementing the soft soil treatment work. The output to date has reached 9% of the construction value.
The XL1 package has a contract value of over VND2,213 billion, starting from January 2024. Currently, the contractor is focusing on accelerating the construction progress of the substructure items on the route and simultaneously implementing the soft soil treatment work. The output to date has reached 9% of the construction value.
In this area, the contractor is starting to build the intersection of Ring Road 3 with the Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay Expressway. After completion, this area will be connected to the access road through Nhon Trach Bridge towards Dong Nai, then connected to the Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway to create an inter-provincial traffic axis.
In this area, the contractor is starting to build the intersection of Ring Road 3 with the Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay Expressway. After completion, this area will be connected to the access road through Nhon Trach Bridge towards Dong Nai, then connected to the Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway to create an inter-provincial traffic axis.
At the XL3 package through Thu Duc City, many concrete pillars have completed their bodies and caps, preparing to launch beams in the near future.
At the XL3 package through Thu Duc City, many concrete pillars have completed their bodies and caps, preparing to launch beams in the near future.
Currently, workers at the construction site are constructing the bridge and tunnel sections on the route, treating weak soil by digging to replace soil with cajuput piles, cement reinforced soil piles and installing drains. Currently, the XL3 contract has achieved 22% of the construction value.
Currently, workers at the construction site are constructing bridges and tunnels on the route... Currently, the XL3 package has achieved 22% of the construction value.
Mr. Luong Minh Phuc, Director of the Traffic Construction Project Management Board (Traffic Board) said that the biggest difficulty of the project was the lack of sand to load the weak roadbeds. However, after the efforts of Ho Chi Minh City, the difficulties with sand have been resolved.
Mr. Luong Minh Phuc, Director of the Traffic Construction Project Management Board (Traffic Board) said that the biggest difficulty of the project was the lack of sand to load the weak roadbeds. However, after the efforts of Ho Chi Minh City, the difficulties with sand have been resolved.
Currently, Vinh Long, Ben Tre, and Tien Giang provinces are speeding up sand licensing procedures with volumes meeting the demand and construction progress of the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project. The Traffic Department and other units are striving to keep up with the progress, basically completing the project by 2025 and opening the entire route to traffic in 2026.
Currently, Vinh Long, Ben Tre, and Tien Giang provinces are speeding up sand licensing procedures with volumes meeting the demand and construction progress of the Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 project. The Traffic Department and other units are striving to keep up with the progress, basically completing the project by 2025 and opening the entire route to traffic in 2026.
Minh Tâm - Anh Tú

Cầu vượt sông lớn nhất Vành đai 3 TPHCM tăng tốc về đích sớm

Anh Tú - Như Quỳnh |

TPHCM - Sau gần 2 năm khởi công, cầu Nhơn Trạch thuộc dự án thành phần 1A (nối TPHCM - Đồng Nai) đường Vành đai 3 TPHCM đạt 80%, vượt tiến độ 4 tháng.

Cần 79 tỉ đồng để sửa chữa đường vành đai 3 trên cao

Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Một số hạng mục của cầu cạn đường vành đai 3 trên cao được Sở Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) đề nghị sửa chữa.

TPHCM hạn chế giao thông thủy gần 2 năm một số tuyến sông để làm Vành đai 3

Huyền Trân |

TPHCM - Hạn chế giao thông đường thủy nội địa trên tuyến rạch Cây Cam và rạch Môn – sông Kinh, trong thời gian gần 2 năm để phục vụ xây dựng cầu Cây Cam và cầu Nước Đục 3 thuộc dự án Vành đai 3 TPHCM.

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Xuất hiện clip đánh, đá trẻ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc

Phan Thành |

Bình Thuận - Từ hình ảnh bảo mẫu đánh bầm tím trẻ nhỏ và đoạn camera cảnh đánh, đá trẻ nhỏ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc làm rõ.

Bão chưa vào nhưng một số nhà dân ở Quảng Ngãi đã tốc mái


Gió lốc trong đêm làm tốc mái 3 ngôi nhà của người dân ở xã Bình Hải, huyện Bình Sơn, tỉnh Quảng Ngãi.

Lộ diện doanh nghiệp cấp bò giống bị dịch lở mồm long móng


Bò của dự án khi cấp phát cho người nghèo ở huyện miền núi tỉnh Quảng Trị thì bị lở mồm long móng và lây lan.

Nổ mìn thi công dự án ở dốc Cun, nhiều xe xếp hàng dài chờ đợi

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Trong quá trình nổ mìn để thi công dự án xử lý nguy cơ mất an toàn thông đoạn qua dốc Cun, cơ quan chức năng đã cấm phương tiện lưu thông.