Road 250 billion through acacia forest connecting Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho highway

Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công |

The connecting route from Km30 Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho highway to Thanh Ba district center with a total investment of 250 billion VND has taken shape.

Approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province from the beginning of March 2022 according to Decision No. 445/QD-UBND, the project to build a connecting road from Km30 of Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho expressway has a total investment of 250 billion VND. Thanh Ba District People's Committee is the unit assigned to be the Project Investor.
Approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province from the beginning of March 2022 according to Decision No. 445/QD-UBND, the project to build a connecting road from Km30 of Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho expressway has a total investment of 250 billion VND. Thanh Ba District People's Committee is the unit assigned to be the Project Investor.
On November 18, 2022, Thanh Ba District People's Committee issued Decision No. 2862/QD-UBND, approving the results of contractor selection for Package No. 15: Construction work. Accordingly, Phuong Nam Construction and Mechanics Joint Stock Company is the enterprise that won this construction package, the winning value is more than 158 billion VND.
On November 18, 2022, Thanh Ba District People's Committee issued Decision No. 2862/QD-UBND, approving the results of contractor selection for Package No. 15: Construction work. Accordingly, Phuong Nam Construction and Mechanics Joint Stock Company is the enterprise that won this construction package, the winning value is more than 158 billion VND (implementation period until November 2, 2025).
As noted by a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper in the last days of July, the project's work, after nearly 2 years of implementation, has now taken shape. The project route, which is more than 7km long, has some sections of asphalt pavement, many sections have been paved with crushed stone, and the rest is under construction of roadbed excavation...
As noted by a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper in the last days of July, the project's construction through many hills, mountains, fields and gardens of Thanh Ba midland district, after nearly 2 years of implementation, has now taken shape. The route, with a total length of more than 7km, has some sections of asphalt pavement, many sections have been paved with crushed stone, and the rest is under construction of roadbed excavation...
This project route is invested and built according to class III delta road standards, design speed of 80km/h; The roadbed is 12m wide, the road surface is 7m wide... The starting point of the route connects to the inter-commune road in area 3, Thanh Ba town; The end point connects to National Highway 2 at Km95+250.
This project route is invested and built according to class III delta road standards, design speed of 80km/h; The roadbed is 12m wide, the road surface is 7m wide... The starting point of the route connects to the inter-commune road in area 3, Thanh Ba town; The end point connects to National Highway 2 at Km95+250.
According to observations, near the end of the route, the route will connect to the Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho expressway intersection (currently no toll), located in Dai An commune (Thanh Ba district).
According to observations, the route was built to connect to the Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho expressway intersection (currently no toll), located in Dai An commune, Thanh Ba district, an area with a fairly dense population.
In this area, the population is quite dense.
Mr. Lai Van Thong - a resident of Doan Ket area, Quang Yen commune, Thanh Ba district - shared: "There is a new route, our people are very happy, from here I can easily go straight to the district center or go Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho Expressway, traffic develops, local economy and society will also develop.
With a land area of ​​more than 24 hectares, the estimated compensation, support and resettlement amount for the project is nearly 60 billion VND. The plan is to arrange resettlement on-site, interspersed and in other locations in accordance with the land use planning of communes in the district.
With a land area of ​​more than 24 hectares, the estimated compensation, support and resettlement amount for the project is nearly 60 billion VND. The plan is to arrange resettlement on-site, interspersed and in other locations in accordance with the land use planning of communes in the district.
According to the report of the representative of the Project Investor, Thanh Ba District Construction Investment Project Management Board, currently,
According to the report of the representative of the project Investor, Thanh Ba District Construction Investment Project Management Board, to date, the value of the project implementation volume is 55.5/158.5 billion VND, reaching 35,000 VND. 0%; Total allocated capital is 188,506 billion VND, total disbursed capital is 138,578 billion VND/188,506 billion VND, reaching 73.51%. Currently, the contractor has basically constructed 5.2km of the road base; Construction of longitudinal trenches and roadbed expansion on provincial road 314B 1 km; Construction of type II macadam layer is underway; Completed basic construction of 2 bridges...
When the project route is put into use, it will create a traffic axis from Thanh Ba district center connecting to Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho highway, contributing to the development of industrial zones/clusters in the district, meeting the people's needs for goods trade and travel, creating favorable conditions to promote socio-economic development of Thanh Ba district in particular and Phu Tho province in general.
When the project route is put into use, it will create a traffic axis from Thanh Ba district center connecting to Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho highway, contributing to the development of industrial zones/clusters in the district, meeting the people's needs for goods trade and travel, creating favorable conditions to promote socio-economic development of Thanh Ba district in particular and Phu Tho province in general.
Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công

Cát biển được tập kết ở cao tốc Hậu Giang – Cà Mau

Tạ Quang |

Sau 1 tháng tổ chức khởi công khai thác mỏ cát biển ở Sóc Trăng, đến nay, mới có 6.900m3 cát biển được đưa về công trường cao tốc Hậu Giang – Cà Mau.

Phát hiện thi thể bên lề cao tốc đoạn qua Huế


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Bác tin cao tốc Diễn Châu-Bãi Vọt có vấn đề về chất lượng


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Cao tốc tại Hà Tĩnh vẫn còn vướng mặt bằng với lưới điện


UBND tỉnh Hà Tĩnh vừa tiếp tục đôn đốc các địa phương khẩn trương hoàn thành giải phóng mặt bằng cao tốc đối với hệ thống lưới điện.

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe tải đang lưu thông thì bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết.

Tin 20h: Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng "chặt chém" đoàn từ thiện

Nhóm PV |

Tin 20h ngày 19.9: Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay; Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện...

Phía Miss Universe nói về thông tin Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp

Huyền Chi |

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Thể Công Tân Cảng bảo vệ thành công chức vô địch giải bóng chuyền U23 Quốc gia 2024

Nhóm PV |

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Sand from the sea is being gathered at the Hau Giang - Ca Mau expressway

Tạ Quang |

After 1 month of organizing the groundbreaking for the sea sand mining in Soc Trang, up to now, only 6,900m3 of sea sand has been brought to the Hau Giang - Ca Mau expressway construction site.

Body discovered on the side of the highway passing through Hue


HUE - The body of a man was discovered on the side of the La Son - Hoa Lien highway, passing through Nam Dong district (Thua Thien Hue).

I believe the Dien Chau-Bai Vot expressway has quality problems


The investor of the Dien Chau - Bai Vot expressway affirmed that information about the newly put into operation project having quality problems is inaccurate.