View national treasures preserved at Nam Dinh Museum

Lương Hà |

At Nam Dinh Provincial Museum , there are many national treasures that are original and unique artifacts preserved and displayed here.

At Nam Dinh Provincial Museum, there is a national treasure on display: a model of a terracotta house from the Tran Dynasty discovered in Lai Xa village (Hien Khanh commune, Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province) in 1973. This is a national treasure consisting of 14 pieces, showing a complete architecture with sophisticated sculptural motifs.
At Nam Dinh Provincial Museum, there is a national treasure on display: a model of a terracotta house from the Tran Dynasty discovered in Lai Xa village (Hien Khanh commune, Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province) in 1973. This is a national treasure consisting of 14 pieces, showing a complete architecture with sophisticated sculptural motifs.
In 2015, the model of the Tran Dynasty terracotta house was recognized as a National Treasure by the Prime Minister. In terms of historical and cultural value, this is an original artifact, crafted entirely by hand, dating back more than 700 years.
In 2015, the model of the Tran Dynasty terracotta house was recognized as a National Treasure by the Prime Minister. In terms of historical and cultural value, this is an original artifact, crafted entirely by hand, dating back more than 700 years.
The model has a unique and complete architectural art consisting of 14 pieces assembled together to create an "inner-domestic, outer-domestic" architecture, measuring 100cm long and 95cm wide.
The model has a unique and complete architectural art consisting of 14 pieces assembled together to form an "inner public, outer foreign" style architecture, measuring 100cm long and 95cm wide. The outside is a wall consisting of 8 pieces, the front is the gate. In the middle of the back wall is a 4-roofed building covered with lotus-shaped tiles, the front and 2 sides are carved with chrysanthemum patterns, the back side next to the flower pattern is carved with parallel embossed lines.
The national treasure, a set of ceramic lampstands and incense burners from the Mac Dynasty, is an artifact collected at Cu Tru communal house and Co Chat pagoda (Phuong Dinh commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province).
At Nam Dinh Provincial Museum, there is also a national treasure display of a set of lampstands and ceramic incense burners from the Mac Dynasty, which were collected at Cu Tru communal house and Co Chat pagoda (Phuong Dinh commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province).
The set of Mac Dynasty ceramic lampstands and incense burners are original treasures, unique in quantity, form, artistic style and age. The lampstands were collected at Cu Tru communal house, and the incense burners at Co Chat pagoda (same commune Phuong Dinh, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province). Although these two artifacts have different origins, they were both produced at the same time, August 20, Hung Tri 3 (1590).
The set of Mac Dynasty ceramic lampstands and incense burners are original treasures, unique in quantity, form, artistic style and age. Although these two artifacts have different origins, they were both produced at the same time, August 20, Hung Tri 3 (1590).
The lamp stand is currently the only Mac Dynasty artifact in Vietnam, with a face diameter of 17cm; base diameter of 21.2cm; height of 76cm and weight of 77g. The lamp stand is meticulously finished, embossed with a variety of decorative themes such as dragons, phoenixes, rosettes, bodhi leaves, lotus petals, Chinese characters and has all the components including: base, lamp body, lamp neck.
The lamp stand is currently the only Mac Dynasty artifact in Vietnam, with a face diameter of 17cm; base diameter of 21.2cm; height of 76cm and weight of 77g. The lamp stand is meticulously finished, embossed with various decorative themes of dragons, phoenixes, asterisks, bodhi leaves, lotus petals, Chinese characters and has all the components including: base, lamp body, lamp neck. Like the lamp stand, the ceramic incense burner dates from the same period.
In addition, the national treasure "Citadel steps" is the only original, unique artifact dating from the Ly Dynasty in Vietnam, currently kept at the Nam Dinh Provincial Museum.
In addition, the national treasure "Citadel steps" is the only original, unique artifact dating from the Ly Dynasty in Vietnam and is also kept at the Nam Dinh Provincial Museum.
The Ly Dynasty balustrade dated to the early 12th century (around 1108 - 1117) is a unique stone relic, crafted entirely by hand carving techniques, and is also the only specimen discovered to date among Ly Dynasty relics in Vietnam. The artifact was found during the excavation of the Van Phong Thanh Thien Stupa ruins on Ngo Xa mountain peak (Yen Loi commune, Y Yen district, Nam Dinh province) in 1966 - 1967.
The Ly Dynasty balustrade dating from the early 12th century (around 1108 - 1117) is a unique stone relic, crafted entirely by hand carving techniques, and is also the only specimen discovered so far among Ly Dynasty relics in Vietnam.
This national treasure is still relatively intact, made of a monolithic gray stone (sandstone), has a box shape, 205cm long, 46cm high, 17cm thick, one end is square, the other end is pointed upwards, divided into two parts.
The national treasure's railing is still relatively intact, made of monolithic gray stone (sandstone), has a box shape, 205cm long, 46cm high, 17cm thick, one end is square, the other end is pointed upwards, divided into two parts.
A representative of Nam Dinh Provincial Museum said that today, the unique values ​​of national treasures have contributed to attracting more and more visitors to the provincial museum.
Lương Hà

Kênh đào 2.300 tỉ đồng ở Nam Định sau 1 năm hoạt động

Lương Hà |

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Lương Hà |

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Lương Hà |

Gần 20 năm qua, một quán phở tại TP. Nam Định vẫn giữ mức giá 5.000 đồng/bát và lúc nào cũng đông khách.

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Trần Bùi |

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Xảy ra 70 sự cố đê điều tại 11 tỉnh/thành

Khương Duy |

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Vân Trường |

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Bản tin công đoàn: Tăng lương với giáo viên hợp đồng 111

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