6 factors that determine successful weight loss

Minh Châu (theo Healthline) |

According to Healthline, there are 6 important factors that determine how fast you lose weight.


Your fat/muscle ratio greatly affects your ability to lose weight.

Because women typically have a greater fat-to-muscle ratio than men, they have a 5-10% lower RMR (resting metabolic rate) than men of the same height.

This means that women typically burn 5-10% fewer calories than men at rest. As a result, men tend to lose weight faster than women when consuming a diet with the same number of calories.

Year old

One of the many changes in the body that occurs with aging is a change in body composition — fat mass increases and muscle mass decreases.

This change, along with other factors such as the reduced calorie needs of your major organs, contributes to a decrease in RMR.

In fact, adults over 70 may have a 20-25% lower RMR than younger adults.

This decline in RMR can make it increasingly difficult to lose weight with age.

Starting point

Your starting body mass and composition can also influence how quickly you lose weight. Weight loss is a complex process. It is important to understand that different absolute weight losses can correspond to the same relative weight loss (%) in different individuals.

For example, a heavier person might lose twice as much weight, but a lighter person might lose the same percentage of body weight (10/250 = 4% vs. 5/125 = 4%).

Calorie deficit

The size of this calorie deficit affects how quickly you lose weight.

For example, consuming 500 fewer calories per day for 8 weeks will likely result in more weight loss than eating 200 fewer calories per day.

However, make sure that the calorie deficit is not too large, as this is not only unsustainable but also puts you at risk of nutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, it can make you more likely to lose weight in the form of muscle rather than fat.


Sleep is an often overlooked but crucial factor in weight loss. Chronic sleep deprivation can significantly hinder weight loss and the rate at which it can be lost.

Studies show that after just one night of sleep deprivation, the body tends to crave high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, such as cookies, cakes, sugary drinks, and potato chips.

Other factors

Several other factors can affect how quickly you lose weight, including: Medications (such as antidepressants, which can promote weight gain or hinder weight loss...); Medical conditions; Family history and genes; Yo-yo dieting...

Minh Châu (theo Healthline)

6 loại quả tưởng là xấu nhưng lại tốt cho giảm cân

Thục Quyên (theo eatingwell.com) |

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NHÓM PV (theo Mayo Clinic) |

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NHÓM PV (THEO Aboluowang) |

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NHÓM PV (theo Mayo Clinic) |

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