Infection with roundworms in dogs and cats from pets

Lệ Hà |

The Central Tropical Diseases Hospital has just admitted a female patient in Vinh Phuc with itching all over her body and was determined to be infected with dog and cat roundworm .

The patient was prescribed a parasite test and an allergic antibody test. The results showed that the patient was positive for roundworms of dogs and cats (Toxocara spp.).

When the test results were available, the doctors conducted a consultation and determined that the bumps on the patient's hands were due to the movement of dog and cat roundworm larvae under the skin.

Through history, it is known that the patient works as a farmer and raises 8 animals, including 3 dogs and 5 cats.

After intensive treatment, the patient's itching completely disappeared, and the rash on his hand was completely healed. The patient was discharged from the hospital in stable health condition and was scheduled for a follow-up appointment after 1 month to retest for roundworm antibodies in dogs and cats. If antibodies are still present, doctors will consider the level of reduction to decide whether to continue treatment to completely eliminate the parasites from the body, to avoid dangerous complications.

Dr. Vu Minh Dien - Deputy Head of the Department of General Internal Medicine - said: Dog and cat roundworms are common parasites in dogs and cats. They are capable of infecting humans through the gastrointestinal tract. When humans come into contact with soil or water contaminated with worm eggs from dog or cat feces, the worm eggs can enter the body through the mouth and develop into larvae. These larvae migrate through body tissues, causing a variety of symptoms, the most common being itching, papules and skin rashes.

Dr. Dien added that the rate of roundworm infection in dogs and cats in the community is currently very high, especially in areas where many people keep dogs and cats as pets. In the past, dogs and cats were only raised to guard houses or hunt mice, but now they have become popular pets, increasing the risk of helminth infection to humans. People with positive antibodies and symptoms such as itching and rash should immediately go to reputable medical facilities for timely testing and treatment.

“Early detection and treatment of toxocariasis in dogs and cats is very important, because if not treated promptly, the parasite can cause many serious complications, affecting long-term health. Besides treatment, preventive measures such as regular deworming for dogs and cats and maintaining personal hygiene are needed to minimize the risk of infection," Dr. Dien emphasized.

Having roundworms in dogs and cats causes the patient to itch all over the body.
Lệ Hà

Nhiễm ấu trùng giun đũa vì thường xuyên ăn món thịt chua

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Sạt lở khiến một ngôi trường đang xây có nguy cơ đổ sập


Thanh Hóa - Một ngôi trường đang xây dựng thì bị đất đá sạt lở, hậu quả khiến công trình xô nghiêng, nứt và có nguy cơ đổ sập.

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Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.

Infected with hookworm larvae due to frequent consumption of sour meat dishes.

Hương Giang |

Female patients infected with parasites, appear papules and itching, hives all over the body for 1 year due to the habit of eating sour meat, a popular dish among many people.

Pick up worms moving in the patient's body

lệ hà |

Itchy all over, T.D.T, 21 years old in Yen Bai, went to the Central Tropical Diseases Hospital and was diagnosed with parasitic helminth infection.

Hàng chục nghìn người nhiễm giun sán lây từ thú cưng

Hà Lê |

Tại Việt Nam, mỗi năm có khoảng 20.000 người nhiễm bệnh ấu trùng giun đũa chó, mèo được phát hiện và điều trị ở tất cả các tỉnh, thành.