If you bleed but had no more blood fat, diabetes... then the cardiologist would be unemployed!
Many social media posts advertising the miraculous effects of preventive blood filtration said that this method will help eliminate all impurities in the blood such as: bad cholesterol, inflammatory substances, heavy metals, bacteria, pathogenic viruses, cardiovascular prevention, diabetes, gout, kidney failure, stroke, cerebral vascular complications, heart attack...
When done, the patient was taken blood from the vein, then the blood was transported through the first filter to separate the huyet tuong. Next, the blood is separated in a separate tube, the secretion continues to move to the filter for the second time to remove the impurities.
When huyet tuong is clean, it is combined with blood to be taken into the body. filtering time is 3-4 hours.
Sharing his views on this issue, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Lan Hieu - Director of Hanoi Medical University Hospital - said: "If it takes just 2-3 hours and costs less than ten million to prevent stroke, all of blood fat, diabetes... then cardiologist like me will probably be unemployed".
According to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Lan Hieu, a truly effective method will be included in the instructions of specialized associations, but up to this point, there are no recommendations for pre-opsparate blood filtration.
Blood loss is only indicated when it requires treatment, meaning when it has been diagnosed and determined to have a real disease. This is a very effective method to save the lives of many patients such as kidney failure, heart failure, severe infections, acute pancreatitis...
"If you go abroad to get your body purified, you should also ask whether the host country pays insurance for this preventive method? The answer is definitely not. Therefore, there is no need to spend money and effort to perform an "encroachment" procedure whose effectiveness has not been clearly proven," Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Lan Hieu shared.
No research shows that blood filtration can prevent disease
Doctor Nguyen Huy Hoang - Center for High-Tech Research and Treatment, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Viet Nga Tropical Center - said that blood lipid filtration through the filter method is not effective in preventing stroke.
In the long term, patients with high blood fat need to take medication, change their diet, and do scientific activities. Blood loss can be temporarily resolved, but if you eat and metabolize it back to the old rhythm, it is completely meaningless.
Moreover, the implementation of blood lipid filtration is an in-depth technique, requiring high technical conditions, modern and specialized equipment. The doctor performing the procedure must specialize in extracorpsal blood filtration and be trained in intensive resuscitation to be able to perform the procedure.
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, people with dialysis are indicated for high blood fat index of over 11 mmol/L with pancreatitis. The implementation cost is very high, especially this technique needs to meet strict standards because this is an in-depth technique.
The blood filtration must be performed by doctors specializing in emergency resuscitation. In fact, complications can still occur during the blood filtration process. Therefore, when an incident occurs, the resuscitation doctor will be able to handle it on the spot.