cán bộ sai phạm

The hundred-billion project caused cadres in Thai Nguyen to be expelled from the Party

Việt Bắc |

The former Chairman of the People's Committee of Song Cong City ( Thai Nguyen ) was expelled from the Party and many current leaders were disciplined for their involvement in a project worth more than 340 billion VND.

Case of students signing money and receiving notebooks: The principal made many mistakes

Nguyễn Linh |

The Department of Education and Training of Da Nang City said that the Principal of Thai Phien High School had many violations in financial management and bidding work...

Chairman of the People's Committee of the commune in Quảng Ngãi accuses former Chairman of the People's Committee of the commune


After 7 years of concentrated land allocation and land plot exchange, still no red book has been issued to 695 households, the leaders of Duc Hieu Commune People's Committee, Moc Duc District, Quang Ngai Province, have filed a complaint against the former Chairman of the Commune People's Committee.

The source text delimited by XML tags is translated as follows: Revelation of the reason for suspension of work of Chairman of Cao Phong District

Khánh Linh |

The Provincial People's Committee of Hòa Bình has just issued a decision to suspend the work of Mr. Quách Văn Ngoan - Chairman of the People's Committee of Cao Phong District.

Temporarily suspending the work of Chairman Cao Phong District

Khánh Linh |

Hòa Bình - The Provincial Party Committee has agreed to temporarily suspend the work of Mr. Quách Văn Ngoan - Vice Chairman of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of Cao Phong District.