Cục đăng kiểm việt nam

2 former Directors of the Vietnam Register and 252 defendants in court


HCMC - Two former Directors of the Vietnam Register, Dang Viet Ha and Tran Ky Hinh, declared their identities for the first time in the trial on July 18 .

Security was tightened before the trial of the registration case


HCMC - Since dawn, the section of Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street in front of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court headquarters has been restricted for traffic and people. Mobile police, traffic police and many other forces also blocked and tightened security at the trial of defendants Dang Viet Ha and Tran Ky Hinh (both former Directors of the Vietnam Registry Department) and their accomplices.

The dump truck that killed four mothers and children had expired registration

Xuyên Đông |

Information from the Vietnam Register said that one of the two cars in the collision that killed four mothers and children in Hoai Duc, Hanoi had expired registration.

Details of operations of some registration centers in the Northern mountainous areas

Khánh Linh |

During the peak month when the demand for motor vehicle registration increases, in some northern mountainous provinces, the picture of registration is diverse. Some places have to work overtime, some places are deserted when they have not reached 50% capacity.

Ngành đăng kiểm được "cởi trói", nhiều tỉnh miền núi trút được gánh nặng

Khánh Linh |

Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Trần Hồng Hà đã đồng ý áp dụng trình tự thủ tục rút gọn trong việc xây dựng Nghị định sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Nghị định số 139/2018 và Nghị định số 30/2023, điều này đã giúp "cởi trói" cho ngành đăng kiểm. Đặc biệt tại các tỉnh miền núi.