Tỷ giá ngoại tệ

USD exchange rate today August 30: Continuously increasing

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USD exchange rate today August 30: As of 11:00, the Dollar Index increased to 101.38 points.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 30.8

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 30.

USD exchange rate today August 29: USD reverses and increases strongly

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USD exchange rate today August 29: As of 10:00, the Dollar Index increased to 100.97 points.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, USD black market price 8.29

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 29.

USD exchange rate today August 28: Central exchange rate continues to weaken


USD exchange rate today August 28: This morning, the State Bank adjusted the central exchange rate by 12 VND compared to yesterday, down to 24,212 VND/USD.

Update foreign exchange rates August 28

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 28.

USD exchange rate today August 27: The central exchange rate suddenly dropped shockingly

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USD exchange rate today August 27: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,224 VND/USD, a sharp decrease of 30 VND compared to the previous trading session.

Foreign exchange rate update August 27: Bank USD decreased simultaneously

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Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 27.

USD exchange rate today August 26: Central exchange rate VND/USD increased

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USD exchange rate today August 26: The central VND/USD exchange rate announced by the State Bank is 24,254 VND, an increase of 4 VND compared to last week's closing session.

Foreign exchange rate update August 26: USD/VND exchange rate may be only 25,300 VND

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 26.

USD exchange rate today August 25: In what cases will the greenback increase?

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USD exchange rate today August 25: The Financial Times said that expectations about the US presidential election results are putting pressure on the USD. Analysts expect the greenback to rise in case former President Donald Trump wins. Tariffs would then support the currency and higher fiscal spending could boost interest rates.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 25: Gold increases or decreases next week?

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Gold and foreign currency prices today, August 25: Many industry experts and retail investors believe that gold prices will increase higher.

Foreign exchange rate update August 25: Free USD price plummeted

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 25.

USD exchange rate today August 24: Why did the USD plummet?

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USD exchange rate today August 24: Around the world, the Dollar Index dropped sharply to 100.68 points, in the context of the market expecting policy makers to start lowering interest rates next September.

Bank USD price increased sharply

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Bank USD exchange rate update today (August 23) shows that the USD continues to maintain a strong upward momentum.