The battle for survival

animal world: 25cm long tongue-throwing event catches prey


When he discovered the prey, the st chance "fyped as a blast" and used his 25cm long tongue to pick up the prey.

animal world: Two tiger brothers fiercely fight for delicious prey


The two adult tigers rushed in to attack each other to fight for the baby monkey. The incident occurred at the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, in Madhya Pradesh.

animal world: Spoke newspaper plunges down from tree branches, gathers prey


After a while of the crocodile lurking on the tree, the spiny dog caught the prey with just one drop shot.

animal world: Smiles at the pinnacle of animal transformation


With the "irresistible" imagination of master photoshow masters, the animals below have the most humorous appearance.

animal world: "Rare and hard to find" moments


The photos below have coincidentally captured the most beautiful moments of the animal world.

animal world: Wild dog is blinded for daring to rob the prey of a heron


The wild dog was successful because it had stolen a bone from the vulture. However, the price he had to pay was too high - one eye was blinded due to surgery on the amenorrhea.

animal world: The top hunting postures of spiny newspapers


The sparkling Deer's skillful hunting ability helps it defeat any prey in sight.

animal world: The mountain goose teases the whole herd of lions


Although mangots are small, they can confuse and helpless the three lions.

animal world: Elephants miraculously escape death around lions


The lion thought he had enough prey in hand, but the herd of elephants appeared and rescued the young elephants. The incident took place at Chobe National Park, Botswana.

animal world: Heart-stopping scene of black crabs hunting for baby rabbits


When chased by black storks, the young rabbit was lucky to escape death because it continuously met "saviors".

masterpiece photos of the world of wild animals


The photo series taken from above about the animal world by National Geographic photographers seems like a masterpiece, unbelievably beautiful.