Ung thư

Nutrition for cancer patients with swallowing disorders


HCMC – Swallowing disorders in patients with underlying medical conditions, especially cancer , are very dangerous and directly affect treatment.

5 common inflammatory diseases that can develop into cancer

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

When the body has the 5 types of infections below, if not treated promptly, it can gradually develop into cancer .

More and more young people are getting stomach cancer


Stomach cancer is one of the 5 most common types of cancer in our country. The disease has a high mortality rate and tends to get younger.

Prevention of rectal cancer

Thanh Thanh |

Rectal cancer is a common cancer of the digestive system. There are several ways to reduce your risk of rectal cancer.

Robotic surgery for Bile Duct cancer treatment

Thanh Chân - Ngọc Lê |

Surgeons perform surgery using a robotic system to treat pancreatic cancer in the common bile duct for patients, which is a complex procedure in gastrointestinal surgery.

4 abnormal signs in the neck that could be symptoms of cancer

BÍCH NGỌC (Theo aboluowang) |

Abnormal neck changes may be a symptom to watch out for the possibility of cancer.

Melanoma: Do not ignore dark spots on the skin

Hà Lê |

The National Dermatology Hospital receives many cases of black hyperpigmented lesions on the feet and hands that have been diagnosed as melanoma .

The young couple postponed their wedding for 2 years because their mother-in-law had cancer


At " Wife and Husband ", the theme of Fate brings the touching story of the young couple Thuy Tien - Hoang Thai.

Relieves ovarian cancer after surgery and chemotherapy


HCMC - For ovarian cancer patients after surgery and chemotherapy, active palliative care will help the patient recover more quickly.

Black musk water is good but not everyone can drink it


Black musk water is considered to have many health benefits, but not everyone can drink it.

Touching, the 0 dong kitchen is named after the child who died with cancer


" Life is beautiful " is the emotional journey of Ms. Pham Nguyet Linh. From the pain of her child's death from cancer , she turned her soul to volunteering.

Be wary of cancer in the oral cavity

Thanh Thanh |

The earlier cancer is detected in the oral cavity, the more effective the treatment will be and avoid distant metastasis or even death.

Không trì hoãn hành động này, phụ nữ tương lai sẽ biết ơn chính mình ở hiện tại

Anh Sơn |

Chủ động dự phòng, kiểm soát nguy cơ các bệnh ung thư, trong đó có ung thư cổ tử cung ngay lúc này chính là giải pháp hiệu quả để phụ nữ chủ động chạm đến tương lai hạnh phúc.