The 2024 hurricane season has just begun and has set many historical records

Khánh Minh |

The 2024 storm season has only just begun but has already set many records such as having the earliest and strongest super storm at the beginning of the season.

Storm Beryl became the earliest super storm to form in early July, and was also the strongest July super storm recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, with winds of 265 km/h.

Storm forecasts show that this year's Atlantic hurricane season is busier than usual, while the storm-prone Pacific region is quieter.

On July 3, for the first time since the satellite era began in 1966, the entire northern Pacific had no named storms between June 1 and July 3. - Phil Klotzbach, writer Senior research scientist at Colorado State University (USA) said.

According to Mr. Klotzbach, the same phenomenon — crazy warm water temperatures across the North Atlantic — is affecting hurricane activity in both oceans.

Hurricane Beryl after making landfall in Texas, USA, July 8, 2024. Photo: NASA
Hurricane Beryl after making landfall in Texas, USA, July 8, 2024. Photo: NASA

Scientists compare hurricane season activity through an index called cumulative eddy energy. This index calculates the total energy of a hurricane season according to the frequency of storms and the maximum wind speed of each storm over its lifetime.

This year, for the first time in recorded history, the Atlantic Ocean generated more cumulative cyclonic energy through July 9 than the entire Pacific Ocean.

In the westernmost Pacific Ocean, this is "one of the slowest starts of the tropical storm season" - said Landon Aydlett, a meteorologist with the US National Weather Service (NWS) in Guam.

The western North Pacific had only one storm in May, and this was the second time since 1950 that the region had no storm from June 1 to July 15. The previous time was 1975.

In the eastern part of the North Pacific, storm Aletta formed on July 4, 320 km west of Mexico, the latest start of the hurricane season on record in this storm area, breaking the previous record set established in 1969.

But the storms have accelerated this week. Storm number 3 of the 2024 Pacific storm season - super typhoon Gaemi - made landfall for the second time in China on the evening of July 25 after sweeping the Philippines and Taiwan (China).

Severe flooding in Manila, Philippines on July 24, 2024 due to Typhoon Gaemi. Photo: AFP
Severe flooding in Manila, Philippines on July 24, 2024 due to Typhoon Gaemi. Photo: AFP

Previously, storm No. 2 Prapiroon hit level 13, causing heavy rain and strong winds in many provinces of Vietnam.

There are several factors at play in the Pacific this summer, Klotzbach said, including a lack of a strong monsoon trough in the western part of the North Pacific and too much wind shear in the eastern part of the North Pacific. .

Meanwhile, water temperatures in the tropical Atlantic increased dramatically from March to June 2023 and have remained at or near record warm levels since then. Thanks to global wind patterns, what happens in one location can directly affect what happens in another.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are influenced by three weather periods known as El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO). These include El Nino, La Nina and the neutral phase.

El Nino typically creates conditions for more storms in the Pacific and fewer storms in the Atlantic.

Warmer temperatures in the Atlantic also favor sinking motion in the eastern Pacific and upper-level easterly winds in both oceans.

In the Atlantic, this wind pattern reduces westerly wind shear, creating more favorable conditions for storm formation . In the eastern part of the North Pacific, easterly winds increase wind shear, making storms stronger.

Scientists believe that the reason the waters in the Atlantic Ocean are unusually warm is mainly due to weaker-than-normal subtropical high pressure leading to weaker trade winds.

Khánh Minh

Bão số 3 càn quét, trút xuống hàng trăm triệu tấn nước mưa

Khánh Minh |

Theo tin bão mới nhất, bão số 3 Gaemi đã đổ bộ lần thứ hai vào Trung Quốc tối 25.7 sau khi đã càn quét Philippines và Đài Loan (Trung Quốc).

Siêu bão số 3 giật 250 km/h, gây thiệt hại không tưởng

Khánh Minh |

Theo tin bão mới nhất, siêu bão số 3 Gaemi đã đổ bộ vào Đài Loan (Trung Quốc) với gió giật lên tới 250 km/h.

Bão số 3 thần tốc mạnh lên thành siêu bão

Song Minh |

Theo tin bão mới nhất, bão số 3 Gaemi đã mạnh lên thành siêu bão với sức gió 222 km/h, giật tới 240 km/h vào sáng 24.7.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Kịp thời vá vỡ đê sông tiếp giáp Bắc Ninh và Hà Nội

Đền Phú - Vân Trường |

Bắc Ninh - Đoạn đê bị vỡ khoảng 6m được lực lượng chức năng nhanh chóng vá lại, không gây ngập và thiệt hại cho khu dân cư.

Ukraina nói về kết quả cuộc tấn công tỉnh Kursk của Nga

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina cho rằng, cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào khu vực Kursk đã làm chậm bước tiến của Nga trong khi phía Nga cho biết đã giành lại 10 ngôi làng.

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Xe bán tải bị nước cuốn trôi, 1 phụ nữ tử vong ở Bình Dương


Ngày 14.9, Công an thành phố Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương đã bàn giao thi thể người phụ nữ đi xe bán tải bị nước cuốn, để gia đình lo hậu sự.

Storm No. 3 swept across, pouring down hundreds of millions of tons of rain

Khánh Minh |

According to the latest storm news , storm No. 3 Gaemi made landfall for the second time in China on the evening of July 25 after sweeping the Philippines and Taiwan (China).

Super storm No. 3 gusted 250 km/h, causing incredible damage

Khánh Minh |

According to the latest storm news, super storm No. 3 Gaemi has landed in Taiwan (China) with wind gusts of up to 250 km/h.

Storm number 3 quickly strengthened into a super storm

Song Minh |

According to the latest storm news, storm No. 3 Gaemi has strengthened into a super storm with winds of 222 km/h and gusts of up to 240 km/h on the morning of July 24.