Russia warns that the EU is the top target of Russian missiles

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Russia warns that Europe is a victim of Russia-US tensions and that EU cities are targets of Russian missiles.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that while the US is "profiting" from the confrontation with Russia, Europe is becoming a victim.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia is capable of resisting hostile moves by the US, such as the country's recently announced deployment of new missiles to Europe. However, EU countries only became victims of the deadlock between the US and Russia - Mr. Peskov said.

RT reported that the Kremlin spokesman made this comment to Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin.

“There has always been a paradoxical situation: the US deploys many different types of missiles, with different ranges, but traditionally aimed at Russia. Therefore, Russia identified cities in Europe as the top targets of Russian missiles ," Mr. Peskov said.

Mr. Peskov explained that while Washington continued to "profit" from the escalation, NATO members in Europe became victims of Russia-US tensions.

“Russia is in the sights of US missiles placed in Europe. Russia has been through all of this before. Moscow has enough potential to stop those missiles. But the potential victims are the capitals of European countries," Mr. Peskov said.

Last week, the US announced plans to begin deploying long-range weapons in Germany in 2026, including the SM-6 and Tomahawk systems, “as part of a plan to keep these weapons operational in future".

Moscow announced that it would calmly prepare a military response to the above hostile move. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described these plans as “one of the threatening elements that today are almost a main part of the approach of NATO and the US towards Russia”.

At the end of June, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Moscow may continue to produce and globally deploy ground-based medium- and short-range missiles in response to Washington's hostile actions.

“We now know that the US not only produces these missile systems but also sends them to Europe and Denmark to use in exercises. Not long ago there was information that missiles were in the Philippines. It is unclear whether they will take these missiles out of the Philippines or not,” Mr. Putin said at the time.

This type of long-range weapon is limited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which collapsed in 2019. However, Russia says it has restrained the production and deployment of long-range missiles, as long as Washington also refrains from doing so.

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