The need for carbon credit trading platforms

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The world carbon market was launched in 1997. Since then, a new type of commodity has appeared in the world, which is certificates for reducing/absorbing greenhouse gas emissions, forming the carbon market or carbon credit market .

A market with many benefits

Currently, there are 58 countries in the world that have developed carbon markets, 27 countries that apply carbon taxes, and some countries that apply both. These countries have built carbon credit trading floors and have had many transactions, bringing in huge revenues, creating a trend for countries that have not yet participated in the carbon market.

The benefits of carbon trading extend beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions to delivering a range of benefits to local communities where projects are implemented. Carbon markets provide a financial channel to support global emissions reduction or removal activities that would otherwise not be undertaken due to a lack of policy and economic incentives.

This accelerates climate action and raises global climate ambition by unlocking cost-effective mitigation activities to deliver the Paris Agreement goals.

Carbon credits also provide multiple co-benefits to local communities such as sustainable development through green job creation, sustainable energy, environmental and biodiversity protection, as well as climate change adaptation and resilience.

Trends around the world

First, there is the European market with the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). This exchange helps EU member states limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by allowing participants to buy or sell emissions allowances.

From October 2023, the 27 EU member states have started to impose a carbon tax on six types of imported goods with high pollution risk from outside: iron and steel, cement, fertilizers, aluminum, electricity and hydrogen. Importers will have to report the emissions in imported goods, if these emissions exceed EU standards, they will have to buy "carbon credits" at the current carbon price in the EU.

In the United States, the California Cap-and-Trade Program, part of the Western Climate Initiative, which also includes several Canadian provinces, is a prime example of using carbon markets to manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In Asia, Japan also launched its "J-credits" carbon credit trading platform on October 11, 2023 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Initially, 188 Japanese companies and organizations will participate in the purchase and sale of carbon credits verified by the government through the use of renewable energy and forest management. China also began testing its national carbon credit trading system in 2021, with plans to expand the scale in the future.

This shows China's seriousness in controlling and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Kazakhstan also established its national emissions trading system in 2013. Meanwhile, New Zealand started its national carbon credit trading system in 2008.

Carbon trading platforms are also available in many Southeast Asian countries. The Singapore Stock Exchange was established in May 2021, with the participation of Singapore government investment fund Temasek, DBS Bank and Standard Chartered. They announced the establishment of the voluntary carbon market CIX, facilitating the trading of high-quality carbon credits from old-growth forests that have a positive impact on air quality through standardized contracts. On the first day of CIX's launch, 12,000 tons of CO2 were bought/sold at an average price of 5.36 USD per ton.

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has also trialled a carbon certification scheme using sustainable aviation fuel in 2022. Emissions will be broken down, and businesses flying with SIA will be certified for their emissions reduction efforts, which they can disclose to investors.

The BCX carbon credit exchange under Malaysia's Bursa Malaysia stock exchange is set to launch in 2022. The Indonesian stock exchange IDX is also set to launch a carbon credit exchange in 2023, as coal-dependent Indonesia seeks to mobilize resources to reduce emissions.

Anh Vũ

Cần cấp bách đào tạo nhân lực cho thị trường tín chỉ carbon


Với mục tiêu phát triển kinh tế xanh, nhu cầu về nguồn nhân lực có chuyên môn cao trong lĩnh vực giảm phát thải carbon đang ngày càng cấp bách.

Nguồn lợi từ việc bán tín chỉ carbon rừng và thảm cỏ biển


2 năm trở lại, tỉnh Quảng Trị đã thực hiện thí điểm, chuyển nhượng kết quả giảm phát thải (bán tín chỉ carbon). Số tiền thu được từ việc bán tín chỉ carbon chưa lớn, nhưng nhiều tiềm năng về rừng, thảm cỏ biển chưa được khai phá, hứa hẹn sẽ thu được nhiều giá trị trong tương lai.

Đà Nẵng xin bán tín chỉ carbon để tăng thu nhập cho dân

Nguyễn Linh |

Đà Nẵng xin bổ sung vào Chương trình giảm phát thải để giúp nâng cao thu nhập cho người dân và nâng cao độ che phủ rừng trên địa bàn TP.

Dân Hà Nội khám da liễu hàng tháng vì 6 năm không có nước sạch


Suốt 6 năm qua, hàng tháng, vợ chồng anh Nguyễn Đình Minh (Hoài Đức, Hà Nội) đều đưa các con đi khám da liễu vì không có nước sạch sử dụng.

Tăng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% giúp người lao động yên tâm


Tăng mức hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% lương bình quân là mong mỏi của rất nhiều người lao động.

Barcelona mất người, thua trận ra quân tại Champions League

tam nguyên |

Eric Garcia sớm nhận thẻ đỏ khiến Barcelona không thể có điểm trên sân AS Monaco.

Nỗ lực định hình tên tuổi từ cái bóng “ngôi sao nhí”

Ngọc Dủ |

Thị trường nhạc Việt từng có không ít sân chơi dành cho các tài năng nhí, nổi bật trong số đó phải kể đến Thần tượng âm nhạc nhí, Giọng hát Việt nhí... Đây được xem là bệ phóng cho không ít tài năng trẻ phát triển và theo đuổi sự nghiệp của mình.

Chợ đêm Ninh Kiều sáng đèn trở lại sau thời gian tạm dừng


Cần Thơ - Người dân bày tỏ sự phấn khởi khi chợ đêm Ninh Kiều đã hoạt động trở lại.

There is an urgent need to train human resources for the carbon credit market


With the goal of green economic development, the need for highly specialized human resources in the field of carbon emission reduction is increasingly urgent.

Source of income from selling carbon credits from forest and coastal grasslands


2 years ago, Quang Tri Province has been piloting, transferring the results of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (carbon credit trading). The amount of money earned from selling carbon credit is not large, but many potential values of forests, sea grasses have not been explored, promising to earn much value in the future.

Da Nang would like to sell carbon credits to increase people's income

Nguyễn Linh |

Da Nang would like to add it to the Emission Reduction Program to help increase people's income and increase forest coverage in the city.