Ministry of Public Security inspects Hau Giang province

Lam Duy |

The Ministry Inspectorate of Public Security's working group will conduct inspections of the Provincial People's Committee and a series of departments and branches in Hau Giang province.

On September 27, according to the Government Electronic Information Portal, the inspection aims to review and re-evaluate what has been done, the reality in Hau Giang, the limitations and causes in order to better implement state management of a number of industries and business investment professions with conditions on security and order.

The announcement of the inspection decision of the Ministry of Public Security was announced by the Ministry Inspectorate of Public Security on the afternoon of September 26. The inspection content includes compliance with legal regulations in the management of a number of conditional investment and business sectors and occupations regarding security and order; management of seal use; management of identification, the National Population Database and the Identification Database in Hau Giang province.

The working group of the Ministry Inspectorate of Public Security will conduct inspections of the Provincial People's Committee; Office of the Provincial People's Committee; Provincial Police; Department of Planning and Investment; Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; People's Committee of Vi Thanh city; People's Committee of Nga Bay city; People's Committee of Long My town; People's Committee of Chau Thanh district and a number of People's Committees of communes, wards and towns under the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities being inspected, and business establishments with conditions on security and order.

Buoi cong bo quyet dinh cua Bo Cong an thanh tra tinh Hau Giang. Anh:
The announcement ceremony of the decision of the Ministry of Public Security to inspect Hau Giang province. Photo:

The scope of the inspection lasts from January 1, 2021 to the time of inspection.

During the inspection period, the Delegation will inspect the reception, implementation, and organization of implementation of legal documents, directives, and instructions on the implementation of legal provisions on the management of a number of investment and business sectors with conditions on security and order.

Inspection, examination and handling of violations in areas such as: seal management; ID management, National Population Database and ID Database; management of business establishments in industries and trades with conditions on security and order in the locality.

At the same time, the Ministry of Public Security Inspection Team will inspect the work of preventing, detecting, combating, stopping, and handling crimes and other violations of the law related to conditional investment and business activities on security and order and violations of the law on management and use of seals in the locality; the work of preliminary, summarizing, compiling statistics, and reporting on the implementation of legal provisions on the management of a number of conditional investment and business activities on security and order.

Major General Nguyen Xuan Hong - Senior Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Public Security - emphasized that the inspection aims to review and re-evaluate what has been done, the reality in the locality, the limitations and causes in order to better implement state management of a number of industries and professions with conditional investment and business in terms of security and order.

Lam Duy

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