Minister Nguyen Manh Hung talked about career guidance and studying abroad

Mỹ Bình |

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung gave advice to the younger generation who are children of officials and employees of Vietnam Post Corporation.

Dialogue with the younger generation of students born in 2002 to 2009 at the meeting on the evening of July 17, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung shared and answered many issues, mainly revolves around the topics of people, learning, scientific knowledge, society, career guidance as well as effective ways to solve problems, especially useful advice for your future choices. Typical children participating in the program.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister emphasized that the tradition of Vietnamese culture is to remember the roots and commemorate those who have contributed to the country among the young generation, which is necessary and is the foundation for sustainable development and dedication. donate to the Fatherland.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung took a photo with children of officials and employees of the Post Office Corporation. My Le's photo
Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung took photos with children of officials and employees of the Postal Corporation. Photo: My Le

Sharing about the issue of career guidance, Minister Nguyen Manh Hung said: After graduating, the young generation does not necessarily have to work in big companies. Because, when working at small companies, typically startups, young people will have many opportunities to develop, become "big screws, big links", and at the same time easily propose. produce and build new, more creative and more effective processes.

Another issue that many young people were interested in at the meeting was studying abroad. According to the Minister, currently, it can be seen that studying conditions in Vietnam are much better than before, so young people do not necessarily have to study abroad, it is okay if they do not study abroad. Studying abroad is the story of each individual, some people choose to study abroad, some people choose to study domestically, some people choose to study abroad early, some people choose to study abroad late. The world has two main cultures: the East and the West. Young people who know both cultures are of course very good, but they still have to keep the original, that is Vietnam, the young generation must still be good at Vietnamese. .

At the end of the meeting, Minister Nguyen Manh Hung signed the book set "When life changes, we change" (including 8 books) for 43 typical young people who are children of employees of Vietnam Post Corporation. The Minister shared that the book series is a collection of problems that the young generation is facing, once again emphasizing the need for the young generation to define their lives.

Mỹ Bình

Bộ trưởng Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng nói về việc bị tiêu tiền mà không biết vì lộ dữ liệu cá nhân


Bộ trưởng Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông (TTTT) Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng cho biết, khi bị lộ lọt dữ liệu cá nhân, thông tin thẻ tín dụng... thì người khác có thể mạo danh để sử dụng và tiêu tiền mà chúng ta không biết.

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Người dân Thanh Hóa đổ xô ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ


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