Speaking at the meeting, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man said that Phu Yen is the last locality among the three provinces inspected by Inspection Team No. 1910.
The inspection content focuses on summarizing Resolution No. 18, dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Central Executive Committee and Conclusion 121 of the Party Central Committee on summarizing Resolution 18, associated with the establishment and operation of new party committees.

The organization of the implementation of Directive No. 35.CT/TW of the Politburo on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party and Conclusion No. 118-KL/TW to adjust and supplement a number of contents of Directive No. 8: The implementation of Resolution No. 57.NQ/TW of the Politburo on breakthroughs in the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation; the implementation of Conclusion No. 123-KL/TW of the Party Central Committee on the Supplementary Project on socio-economic development in 2025 with a growth target of 8% or more.
According to the National Assembly Chairman, since the beginning of the year, the Central Party, National Assembly, Government and local agencies have urgently implemented the streamlining of the organizational apparatus. From March 1, the new apparatus of the National Assembly, Government, and localities has come into operation.
However, these results are only the beginning. In the coming time, we will continue to reorganize and streamline the apparatus with the policy of merging provinces and ending district-level operations, continuing to reorganize commune-level administrative units with the goal of building a truly streamlined, clean, strong, efficient, effective and efficient apparatus of the political system, meeting the development requirements of the country in the new era - the era of rising up and developing richly.
Based on the draft Report of the Inspection Team, the National Assembly Chairman suggested that members of the Inspection Team and the Standing Committee of Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee focus on carefully evaluating the results achieved in 4 inspection contents, clarifying new points, breakthroughs, creativity and limitations that need to be addressed to successfully carry out tasks in the coming time.