Pilot specific policies for Da Nang development, including wages


The National Assembly has just issued a Resolution on urban government organization and piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies to develop Da Nang City, including salary policy .

Regarding the financial management mechanism and state budget, according to the Resolution, in the first year of the budget stabilization period, the Government considers and submits to the National Assembly to decide on an appropriate regulation rate for the city budget to ensure ensure resources to implement the city's socio-economic development goals.

The city implements a mechanism to create sources of salary reform according to regulations. After the city budget ensures sufficient sources for salary reform and implementation of social security policies for the entire period of budget stabilization according to regulations of competent authorities, the City People's Council can decide to use the resources. reform the remaining salaries of the city budget to invest in socio-economic infrastructure under the spending tasks of the city budget, spend additional income on the basis of compliance with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 15 of this Resolution.

The City People's Council decided to apply in the city: Fees and charges have not been specified in the list of fees and charges issued with the Law on Fees and Charges.

Adjusting the level or rate of fee and charge collection decided by the competent authority for the types of fees and charges specified in the list of fees and charges issued with the Law on Fees and Charges, except court fees , Court fees and other fees belonging to central budget revenue are 100% covered;

The city can borrow through issuing local government bonds, borrowing from domestic financial institutions, other domestic organizations and from foreign loans from the Government to re-lend to the city with a total amount of money. The loan balance must not exceed 80% of the city's budget revenue according to decentralization. The total borrowing level and annual city budget deficit are decided by the National Assembly according to the provisions of the State Budget Law.

Regarding salary and income policies, the Resolution clearly states that the city will implement a mechanism to create sources of salary reform according to regulations.

After the city budget ensures the source of salary reform and social security policies for the entire budget stabilization period according to the regulations of the competent authority, the City People's Council decides to allocate the city budget to Additional income expenditures for officials, civil servants and public employees are managed by the city based on work performance, in addition to implementing additional income expenditures according to the provisions of current law on the financial autonomy mechanism for with administrative agencies and public service units at a rate not exceeding 0.8 times the basic salary fund of officials, civil servants and public employees under the scope of management.

The City People's Council decides the income level for the city's experts, scientists, and talented people.


Vị trí việc làm, chính sách tiền lương có chuyển biến rõ nét


Theo báo cáo, việc hoàn thiện quy định về vị trí việc làm, cải cách chính sách tiền lương có chuyển biến rõ nét, đạt kết quả tích cực.

Quan tâm chế độ với người lao động, triển khai tốt chính sách tiền lương mới


Chủ tịch Quốc hội đề nghị quan tâm chế độ, chính sách với cán bộ, công chức, người lao động, triển khai tốt chính sách tiền lương mới từ tháng 7.2024.

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