General Secretary and President To Lam holds bilateral meetings in the US

Song Minh |

General Secretary and President To Lam met with President of the European Committee (EC) Ursula von de Layern.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, continuing activities within the framework of a working trip to New York, USA, on the afternoon of September 24 local time, General Secretary and President To Lam met with Chairwoman of the European Committee (EC), Ms. Ursula von de Layern and President of Ukraine Volodymir Zelensky.

At the meeting with President of the European Committee (EC) Ursula von de Layern, both sides expressed satisfaction with the positive developments in the Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation relationship.

General Secretary and President To Lam welcomed the EU’s active role in the Asia-Pacific region and affirmed that Vietnam is ready to act as a bridge to promote EU cooperation with countries in the region through the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership framework.

General Secretary and President To Lam was pleased to note that after nearly four years of implementation, the Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has created a new momentum for bilateral trade, making Vietnam the EU's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the EU the fourth largest trading partner of Vietnam. EU investment in Vietnam has also increased and the EU is currently the fifth largest investor in Vietnam.

Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam gap Chu tich Uy ban chau Au Ursula von der Leyen. Anh: TTXVN
General Secretary and President To Lam meets with President of the European Committee Ursula von der Leyen. Photo: VNA

The General Secretary and President suggested that both sides continue to effectively implement the EVFTA, prioritizing the removal of obstacles in opening markets for goods from both sides, including the European Committee (EC) promptly removing the yellow card and continuing to support Vietnam in implementing solutions to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The General Secretary and President suggested that the two sides step up cooperation in the fields of defense and security and the prevention of cross-border organized crime, especially high-tech crime; the EU continue to strengthen cooperation and support Vietnam in protecting the environment and responding to climate change...

The Chairman of the European Committee affirmed that Vietnam is one of the EU's key partners in implementing the Cooperation Strategy with the Indo-Pacific region.

Agreeing with the proposals of General Secretary and President To Lam, Ms. Ursula von de Layern affirmed that the EU will closely coordinate with Vietnam in effectively implementing existing agreements and exchange mechanisms to promote cooperation.

Regarding the situation in the East Sea, the two sides agreed to emphasize that disputes must be resolved by peaceful means, in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 UNCLOS, contributing to ensuring security, safety, freedom of navigation and aviation, and consolidating peace, stability and prosperity in the entire region.

At a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky, General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to the traditional friendship and the framework of the Comprehensive Partnership with Ukraine.

General Secretary and President To Lam expressed concern about the current conflict situation; called for an end to the conflict, restoration of peace, protection of security and safety of people and essential infrastructure; and reaffirmed Vietnam's consistent stance that all disputes must be resolved by peaceful means, in accordance with the fundamental principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, including respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries, not using force or threatening to use force, taking into account the legitimate interests of the parties involved, and avoiding causing losses to civilians.

Chu tich nuoc To Lam khang dinh Viet Nam luon coi trong quan he huu nghi truyen thong va khuon kho quan he Doi tac Toan dien voi Ukraina. Anh: TTXVN
President To Lam affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to the traditional friendship and the framework of the Comprehensive Partnership with Ukraine. Photo: VNA

General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized that Vietnam welcomes and supports international mediation efforts to seek long-term peaceful solutions to conflicts, with the participation of all relevant parties, in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter.

As an active and responsible member of the international community, Vietnam is ready to contribute to the process of promoting dialogue and seeking solutions to soon stabilize the situation, for peace and stability in the region and the world.

The General Secretary and President emphasized that when the conflict ends, Vietnam is ready to join the international community in supporting the reconstruction effort in Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine highly appreciated Vietnam's stance and thanked the State and People of Vietnam for providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine; hoped that Vietnam would support the declaration of the (first) Peace Conference in Switzerland, as well as help Ukraine in mine clearance and overcoming the consequences of war. President Zelensky affirmed that Ukraine always ensures the safety of the Vietnamese community and the Vietnamese Embassy in Kiev.

The two sides shared the need to maintain and promote bilateral cooperation through contacts and delegation exchanges at all levels; and seek effective and appropriate measures to maintain and soon restore bilateral trade exchanges.

General Secretary and President To Lam thanked Ukraine for its support in ensuring the safety and evacuation of Vietnamese citizens in Ukraine and hoped that the Ukrainian government would continue to support in ensuring the safety of lives and property of Vietnamese citizens and businesses currently living and working in Ukraine.

Song Minh

Phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước tại Đại hội đồng Liên Hợp Quốc


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Thông điệp mạnh mẽ của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước tại Liên Hợp Quốc

Thanh Hà |

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Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước tiếp Tổng Giám đốc IMF

Thanh Hà |

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Điện Biên - nhiều gia đình trắng tay sau lũ quét


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Đinh Đại |

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Speech of the General Secretary and President at the United Nations General Assembly


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Thanh Hà |

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General Secretary and President receives IMF Managing Director

Thanh Hà |

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva affirmed that Vietnam and ASEAN are bright spots of growth in the global economy.