What does Decree 93 stipulate about organizations related to terrorism?

Nam Dương |

Reader vumaoxxx@gmail.com asked: What is an organization related to terrorism ? How is the list of organizations related to terrorism determined?

Lao Dong Newspaper Legal Consulting Office replied:

Clause 3, Article 1 of Decree 93/2024/ND-CP Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 122/2013/ND-CP regulating the temporary suspension of circulation, blocking, sealing, temporary detention and handling of money and assets related to terrorism and terrorist financing; establishing a list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing ( effective from September 1, 2024), as prescribed in this Decree, the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing are any organizations and individuals on the list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing designated under resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Council on the basis of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter (hereinafter referred to as the list designated by the United Nations Security Council) or any organization or individual on the list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing designated by Vietnam in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law (hereinafter referred to as the list designated by Vietnam).

2. Establishing a list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing includes including, removing from the list, and publishing the list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing designated by Vietnam; proposing to include, remove from the list, and publish the list of organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing designated by the United Nations Security Council; receiving and processing requests from other countries to identify organizations and individuals related or not related to terrorism and terrorist financing; requesting other countries to identify organizations and individuals related to terrorism and terrorist financing designated by Vietnam.

Thus, organizations related to terrorism and the establishment of a list of organizations related to terrorism are regulated as above.

Nam Dương

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