Regulations on changing land use purposes from August 2024

Nam Dương |

Readers email to ask: How is land use purpose changed according to the Land Law 2024?

The Legal Consulting Office of Lao Dong Newspaper responded:

Article 121 of the Land Law 2024 (effective from August 2024) stipulates the change of land use purpose as follows:

1. Cases of changing land use purposes that must be permitted by competent state agencies include:

a) Converting rice cultivation land, special-use forest land, protective forest land, and production forest land to other types of land in the agricultural land group;

b) Converting agricultural land to non-agricultural land;

c) Converting other types of land to concentrated livestock land when implementing large-scale livestock farming projects;

d) Transferring non-agricultural land allocated by the State without collection of land use fees to other types of non-agricultural land allocated by the State with collection of land use fees or land lease;

d) Converting non-agricultural land to residential land;

e) Converting land for construction of public works, land used for public purposes with business purposes to non-agricultural production and business land;

g) Converting non-agricultural production and business land that is not commercial or service land to commercial or service land.

2. When changing the purpose of land use according to the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article, the land user must fulfill financial obligations according to the provisions of law; Land use regime, rights and obligations of land users are applied according to land type after the use purpose is changed.

3. Changing land use purposes other than the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article does not require permission from a competent state agency.

In case of using land originating from residential land or non-agricultural land with a long-term stable land use term in accordance with the provisions of law, it has been converted to other uses but now needs to be converted back to land. Residential land and in accordance with land use planning do not have to pay land use fees.

4. The change of land use purpose specified in this Article is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 124 of this Law.

Thus, from August 2024, land use purpose change will be implemented according to the above regulations.

Legal advice

Please call the legal consulting hotline: 0979310518; 0961360559 to receive a quick, timely answer or email us: for a reply.

Nam Dương

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Trần Hương |

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Vờ mua vàng rồi mang vàng bỏ chạy, tên cướp bị bắt sau 3 giờ


Bình Thuận – Tên cướp đến tiệm vàng giả vờ mua vàng rồi mang theo vàng bỏ chạy. Công an đã bắt giữ đối tượng sau 3 giờ truy xét.