Bac Lieu explained asking for 3,400 billion VND to prevent natural disasters


The figure of 3,400 billion VND is only 5 urgent projects; In the long term, Bac Lieu province needs up to 28,000 billion VND to implement 77 works and projects.

On August 20, Chairman of Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Thieu said that Bac Lieu has many landslides and subsidence locations ... that need investment. In the immediate future, the province proposes to the Central Government to consider supporting 3,400 billion VND to implement 5 urgent projects such as river embankments, dikes, and resettlement.

These are 5 projects in critical and urgent landslide areas and to prevent and combat high tides and protect production with a total length of nearly 80km to respond to climate change and protect the safety of life and property. and protect people's lives.

Landslides and land subsidence occur in many places in Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho
Landslides and land subsidence occur in many places in Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho

According to statistics up to now, in Bac Lieu province there are 77 riverbank erosion areas , 6 coastal erosion areas, with a total landslide length of nearly 600km. Bac Lieu province has identified 50 lists of projects and works that need investment until 2030, with a total estimated budget of 28,000 billion VND. This number far exceeds local capital.

Only from 2015 until now, there have been 38 episodes of land subsidence and riverbank and coastal landslides in the province , with a total length of nearly 3.5km. The landslides damaged 126 houses, nearly 300 houses were affected, the total cost of damage was estimated at more than 23.5 billion VND.

Landslides and subsidence in many places in Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho
Landslides and subsidence in many places in Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho

In 2023 alone, there will be 8 landslides, with a length of more than 400m, damaging 209 houses and affecting 99 houses, with an estimated loss of more than 11 billion VND.

From the beginning of 2024 until now, in Gia Rai town, Hong Dan district, Dong Hai district and Bac Lieu city, serious land subsidence and landslides have continuously occurred.

At a recent inspection of the landslide situation in Bac Lieu and Ca Mau, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang asked localities in the area to coordinate with central authorities to do a good job of project planning. Report landslides and subsidence. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that the better and more accurate the forecast, the more valuable it is, not only to protect people's lives and property but also to save investment resources of the Central and local governments.

Landslides everywhere in Bac Lieu. Photo: Nhat Ho
Landslides everywhere in Bac Lieu. Photo: Nhat Ho

Regarding capital needs, the Deputy Prime Minister suggested that localities need to proactively review and prioritize investment in accordance with the ability to balance resources; proactively balance and arrange in the medium-term public investment plan local budget capital, along with support resources from the central budget, and mobilize other legal capital sources (including external resources). budget) to gradually implement implementation to ensure fundamental and synchronization.

5 important and urgent landslide prevention projects in Bac Lieu province

G6 Embankment Project (starting point at Rach Coc, ending point at Ganh Hao river confluence), Dong Hai district, Bac Lieu province. The embankment length is 3km, the estimated cost of implementation is 315 billion VND. The project needs to arrange resettlement for 45 households and 2 seafood processing and exporting enterprises (with nearly 1,500 local workers).

The project to build embankments on both sides of the 30/4 canal (section from Nha Mat culvert to Ut Den bridge) in Nha Mat ward (Bac Lieu city) has an embankment length of 5.2km, the estimated cost of implementation is 906 billion VND. This project area has more than 250 households needing resettlement.

Ca Mau - Bac Lieu river embankment construction project (section from Ho Phong bus station towards Tac Say church), Gia Rai town, Bac Lieu province. The embankment length is 5km, the estimated cost of implementation is 700 billion VND. This project needs to arrange resettlement for 800 households.

Project to build river dyke systems and structures to prevent high tides for 5 western communes of Dong Hai district (Ho Phong - Tac Van - Cai Su - Tac Van - Ho Phong). The length of the river dyke is 66km, the estimated cost of implementation is 1,490 billion VND.

Project to build an embankment to protect the dyke section bordering Soc Trang to prevent and control landslides, Vinh Trach Dong commune (Bac Lieu city). The length of the embankment is 474m, the estimated cost is 25 billion VND.


Bạc Liêu công bố tình huống khẩn cấp sạt lở đê biển Đông


Chiều ngày 7.8, Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Bạc Liêu chính thức quyết định công bố tình huống khẩn cấp sạt lở đê biển Đông

Sạt lở khắp nơi, Bạc Liêu ra sức ứng phó


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Hơn 1 năm khẩn cấp bảo vệ, đê biển Bạc Liêu nguy cơ vỡ


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