"Donating land and contributing to national projects is an honor"


Two households in Le Thuy district ( Quang Binh province ) have agreed to donate land to serve the North-South Expressway Project. To recognize the contributions of households, local authorities came to praise and award certificates of merit.

Agree to donate land

The couple, Ms. Le Thi Gai and Mr. Tran Thanh Hai (Phu Xuan village, Phu Thuy commune) settled in the village in 1994. On the land they were granted, they both worked to build a life. Then gradually the couple also had some more area to plant production forests.

One day, the family received notice that part of the land was subject to recovery for the North-South Expressway Project and was adequately compensated. The two learned about the project together as well as discussed with their children to come to an agreement to donate 244 square meters of family land without asking for compensation.

Mr. Tran Thanh Hai next to the certificate of merit given by Le Thuy District People's Committee. Photo: Cong Sang
Mr. Tran Thanh Hai next to the certificate of merit given by Le Thuy District People's Committee. Photo: Cong Sang

Ms. Le Thi Gai shared: "We have lived closely with this place for many years. When we saw an important project of the country "passing" through our hometown, the couple decided to donate the land . Hopefully with this little contribution, we can contribute to building a more developed homeland."

Visit Ms. Gai's family's house, a simple three-compartment level 4 house built many years ago. The household items purchased by the couple since they moved in together are still in good use. The house is not far from the North-South expressway construction site. There, workers and machinery are bustling with construction.

“The whole family agreed to donate land. I just think that contributing to a national project is an honor and also a responsibility of citizens. Therefore, my husband and I are not worried or afraid of any disadvantages," Mr. Tran Thanh Hai confided.

In Tam Huong village (Phu Thuy commune), Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thanh's household also agreed to donate more than 332 square meters of land to serve the construction of the North-South expressway.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thanh received a certificate of merit from the People's Committee of Le Thuy district. Photo: N. Hoang
Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thanh received a certificate of merit from the People's Committee of Le Thuy district. Photo: N. Hoang

This is a part of the forest land that Mr. Thanh's family has been using for many years to grow trees. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thanh confided: "After clearly understanding the importance of the project, we also agreed and participated in the work of quickly handing over the site for construction. The family is willing to donate the land and does not ask for any compensation."

Deserving award

Recently, the People's Committee of Le Thuy district unexpectedly came to praise and reward two households, Ms. Le Thi Gai and Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thanh, for volunteering to donate land for the construction of the North-South Expressway project in the East. district area.

Mr. Dang Dai Tinh, Chairman of Le Thuy District People's Committee, said that the act of voluntarily donating land for the project in Phu Thuy commune contributed to helping the locality quickly hand over the site to the construction unit on time. contributing to bringing great benefits to the community and the country.

According to Mr. Tinh, in addition to the recent district recognition, Le Thuy district will propose to the provincial level to reward these noble gestures.

The project to build the Eastern North-South Expressway in the period 2021 - 2025, passing through Quang Binh territory, includes 3 component projects with a length of 126.43km. Of which, the Vung Ang - Bung section has a length of about 42.95km. The Bung - Van Ninh section has a length of 49.93km. The Van Ninh - Cam Lo section has a length of 33.55 km. There are 8 intersections in the province. The total land area occupied by component projects is about 1,128.9 hectares. The forest area in the province that needs to be converted to use purposes is 659.74 hectares.

There are about 3,772 households affected, of which 551 households are subject to resettlement; About 4,642 graves are affected, of which 3,885 graves have to be relocated to new locations.

Affected technical infrastructure works include a 500kV line system with 15 locations; 220kV line has 15 positions; The 110kV line has 21 intersections with the expressway and many medium and low voltage power line systems; telecommunications system…


Hiến đất làm đường góp phần nâng cao tiêu chí nông thôn mới


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Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Bé trai 3 tháng tuổi từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng đã tử vong


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Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

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Hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam giảm xả lũ


Đồng Nai - Công ty Thủy điện Trị An giảm xả lũ do lưu lượng nước về hồ đang có xu hướng giảm.