Reasons why 3 tourist attractions in Lao Cai were revoked

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - Due to lack of funds for maintenance and conservation, Muong Khuong district has had many tourist attractions revoked.

Difficult to maintain tourist attractions

Muong Khuong district, Lao Cai province has great tourism potential with diverse terrain, rich culture and pristine nature.

However, tourism development here faces many difficulties, including lack of investment in infrastructure and management from the government.

Lack of facilities and services makes it difficult for tourists to access and experience tourist attractions.

Tu khi duoc cong nhan la danh thang cap quoc gia den nay, dong Ham Rong chua duoc dau tu bai ban, duong di vao van kho khan. Anh: Dinh Dai
Since being recognized, Ham Rong Cave has not received proper investment, and the road to it is still rudimentary. Photo: Dinh Dai

According to research, the tourist attractions of Ham Rong, Vang Leng and Cao Son in Muong Khuong district have had their recognition revoked and officially stopped operating since July.

This means that these locations will no longer receive priority investment and promotion from the government.

Cho Muong Khuong nam o trung tam huyen, cho thuong hop vao cuoi tuan.
Muong Khuong Market is located in the center of the district, the market usually opens on weekends. Photo: Lao Cai Portal

Instead, the district will have to be autonomous in maintaining, preserving and improving the quality of services.

Ham Rong Cave is located right at the foot of Ham Rong Mountain, about 2km from the district center. This place was recognized as a national scenic relic in 2003, still pristine but not invested.

Du den vao ngay cuoi tuan nhung cho lai kha vang ve. Anh: Dinh Dai
But according to the reporter's notes, even on the weekend, the market is still quite deserted. Photo: Dinh Dai

More than 3km from the center of Muong Khuong district, Vang Leng cultural village appears before the eyes of tourists, but only solid concrete houses are under construction. The traditional culture of wooden houses and yin-yang tiles no longer exists.

Cao Son commune, 25km from Muong Khuong district, shares the same fate as Ham Rong and Vang Leng tourist destinations because it has not received proper investment to develop tourism.

Cho phien Cao Son khong the phat huy het gia tri trong hoat dong du lich khi khong duoc dau tu.
Cao Son market has not yet promoted its value in tourism activities due to lack of investment. Photo: Lao Cai Portal

Mr. Nghe Van Phin (Tung Chung Pho commune) shared: "Now in that village, people have built brick houses, there are no traditional wooden houses left. Besides, it is very deserted here, no tourists visit."

According to Mr. Phin, people really want to do tourism to improve the economy, but there are no visitors and no support, so they are not interested.

Inefficient operation

On October 13, speaking with Lao Dong, Head of the Department of Culture and Information of Muong Khuong district Pham Xuan Thai said: “The Lao Cai Department of Tourism has surveyed and decided to revoke the recognition of 3 tourist attractions in the district. After that, it will be handed over to local authorities for management.”

According to Mr. Pham Xuan Thai, the reason for the revocation is that even though it was recognized, there was no funding to invest and attract tourists, so it was not effective.

Thon Vang Leng, xa Tung Chung Pho duoc huyen Muong Khuong dinh huong xay dung mo hinh lang van hoa dan toc Nung nham huy dong su chung tay cua nguoi dan trong viec giu gin, bao ton va phat huy ban sac van hoa dan toc
Many solid concrete houses have sprung up in Vang Leng cultural village, Tung Chung Pho commune. Photo: Dinh Dai

Besides, the change of weather and the destruction of natural disasters make these places unable to retain the traditional features of wooden houses and yin-yang tiled roofs.

“Without investment budget and landscape restoration, most of these cultural villages have been concreted. In addition, people do not have the mindset of doing tourism, and activities are still fragmented,” said Mr. Pham Xuan Thai.

Cac khu cho phien cua Muong Khuong khong the thu hut khach du lich den tham quan. Anh: Dinh Dai
Muong Khuong's market has not been able to attract tourists. Photo: Dinh Dai

Head of the Department of Culture and Information of Muong Khuong district also said that according to statistics, each week, in addition to people visiting relatives, there are only 250-300 international visitors to the district.

Due to difficult roads and many unpopular spots, tourism development in recent years has not been able to be done immediately.

Nhung ngoi nha gach moc len thay nhung ngoi nha go truyen thong o thong Vang Leng. Anh: Dinh Dai
No longer traditional with wooden houses with yin-yang tiled roofs. Photo: Dinh Dai

“We are mobilizing people to do community tourism associated with tours and routes; at the same time, we advise the district to call on businesses to invest in infrastructure development, instead of relying on state funding,” Mr. Pham Xuan Thai added.

According to information from Lao Cai Department of Tourism, the tourist attractions in Muong Khuong district had their recognition revoked because they failed to promote their value and did not ensure the conditions of a tourist attraction.

In addition, the names of the above tourist routes are no longer suitable due to the 2017 Tourism Law and detailed regulations and implementation instructions.

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