Camera installation points will be used to fine violators in Dien Bien


Dien Bien province has just put into use a surveillance camera system . This is the basis for the traffic police to implement fines for violating vehicles.

The intelligent traffic monitoring and control camera system used in Dien Bien includes 2 types, of which the traffic monitoring and penalty camera (cold fine) has 19 devices installed at red light intersections in Dien Bien Phu city.

Along with that is a traffic flow measurement camera system with 6 devices installed at 3 main gateways of Dien Bien Phu City, including: Canh Quang Bridge (Thanh Minh Commune, Dien Bien Phu City); Thanh Nua Commune and Thanh Xuong Commune (Dien Bien District).

Image via surveillance camera at Thanh Binh bridgehead, Dien Bien Phu city.
Image via surveillance camera at Thanh Binh bridgehead, Dien Bien Phu city.

In addition, the public security and order surveillance camera system has 3 types of cameras to serve public security and order surveillance, including: high-altitude surveillance cameras with 11 devices installed in districts, towns, and cities.

In addition, in the surveillance camera system in Dien Bien, there are also 34 face recognition and crowd detection cameras installed in public areas, such as: entertainment areas, historical sites, some medical and educational facilities in districts, towns and cities.

new intersection
Image via surveillance camera at the new intersection.

Regarding security surveillance cameras, 74 devices have been invested to monitor security and order in neighborhoods and 68 surveillance cameras have been shared from districts, towns and cities across the province.

Putting the surveillance camera system into use is an important part of the strategy to build a smart and sustainable Dien Bien province; helping state agencies manage more effectively, respond faster to unexpected situations, and create a safe living environment for all people.

High resolution images help the muscles
High resolution surveillance camera images provide clear images in all weather conditions.

Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Quan - Head of the Traffic Police Department, Dien Bien Provincial Police said that the use of the surveillance camera system is a very important basis for the Traffic Police force to study and apply to handle traffic violations (cold fines).

"Applying the form of fines will help raise awareness of traffic participants, even when there are no police officers present. This will limit violations and help reduce traffic accidents in the area," Mr. Quan added.

Authorities can observe the entire traffic situation in Dien Bien at the control room. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong
Authorities can observe the entire traffic situation in Dien Bien at the control room. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong

According to the Head of the Traffic Police Department, Dien Bien Provincial Police, currently, Dien Bien province has not officially applied the fines. However, this is an important basis for the functional forces to exploit and use effectively to promptly detect and handle violations.

"The use of surveillance cameras is also an important step for people to self-regulate their behavior, raise awareness of law compliance in general and when participating in traffic in particular. This will create a safe living environment for all people" - Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Quan added.


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Điện Biên sẽ triển khai phạt nguội qua camera giám sát


Sáng 28.8, tỉnh Điện Biên tổ chức khai trương hệ thống camera giám sát. Đây là cơ sở dữ liệu quan trọng để đảm bảo an ninh trật tự và an toàn giao thông.

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