Removing a foreign object left behind for 5 years in a woman's body in Can Tho


On July 19, news from Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital ( Can Tho City ) said that the hospital had just promptly operated to remove a foreign object left behind for 5 years in the woman's body.

The patient is Mrs. LN H (61 years old, Binh Thuy district, Can Tho city), admitted to the hospital with fever, right back pain, painful urination, and pus in the urine.

The patient has a history of urinary stone surgery at a local medical facility, with a ureteral-bladder catheter placed in the right ureter (a flexible plastic tube is placed to help urine flow from the kidney into the bladder after surgery). . However, when the patient was discharged from the hospital, he did not have a follow-up examination as advised by the doctor, and it took up to 5 years for the patient to come to Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital for examination.

Photo: Provided by the hospital
Doctor examines patient. Photo: Provided by the hospital

Through examination and necessary clinical tests, the doctor diagnosed that the patient had forgotten his ureteral-bladder catheter for many years, causing complications. The ureteral-bladder catheter was broken into two parts, the upper end of the stone was stuck in the kidney, causing kidney pus, the lower end of the stone was large and stuck in the bladder.

In addition, the patient has chronic anemia, urinary tract sepsis, and kidney pus, which is life-threatening. Doctors consult and resuscitate the patient, administer coordinated antibiotics, and compensate for blood according to the regimen to support the patient's general condition.

Photo: Provided by the hospital
Surgery to remove a foreign object that is a catheter in the patient's body. Photo: Provided by the hospital

After 3 days of recovery, the patient was scheduled for surgery in 2 stages, first was cystoscopy to remove the foreign object under the JJ catheter and squeeze the stone; Then open surgery to remove the foreign object on the ureteral-bladder catheter combined with kidney stone removal.

After 1 hour, the complex surgery was successful, the foreign object was a ureteral - bladder catheter and all stones were removed. After surgery, the patient gradually recovered his health, had no fever, no longer had painful urination, ate well and was discharged after a week of treatment.

Photo: Provided by the hospital
The stone and catheter are removed. Photo: Provided by the hospital

Specialist Doctor 1 Pham Thanh Khoai - Department of Nephrology - Urology, Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital - said that this is a special surgery, because after 5 years, many stones have stuck around the ureter - bladder catheter. Therefore, forcefully removing the tube can cause tearing or even rupture of the ureter.

Through this, Dr. Khoai recommends that patients being treated at the hospital should pay attention to complying with the doctor's instructions and have timely follow-up examinations, especially for patients with ureteral-bladder catheters. After surgery, urinary stones must be removed as scheduled to avoid life-threatening complications.


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